Bibots and their customisation


Bibots is a top-down shooter rogue lite set in a futuristic world. Play as Tayar, an explorer in control of a nervy robot and clear rooms filled with monsters, powers and secrets to unveil. Die, try and repeat until you face your world’s final threat.

With the demo out since Gamescom we hope you're enjoying yourselves! If you've missed the information Bibots is coming out October 5th. In the meantime allow us to introduce the 5 different Bibots you'll be able to use at your advantage. [img][/img] Doli - As he was departing for combat Tamal entrusted Doli, an old generation Bibot, to Tayar. A handy and very agressive Bibot. [img][/img] Kranzer - Kranzer belongs to the oldest generation of Bibot and participated to numerous exploration expedition. But do not trust its simple design and slower moves, its important firepower allows Kranzer to quickly get rid of any group of enemy. [img][/img] Nitric - Nitric is part of a recent generation of Bibot, coupled to the psymic memory of old Crob soldiers. Its poisoned projectiles allows this Bibot to deal a huge amount of damages even to the most robust foes. [img][/img] Octron - Octron also comes from a recent generation of Bibot. Technologies' breakthrough and a better psym mastery allows its engineer to provide it with a way to electrocute its foes and produce huge amount of area damages. [img][/img] Kamak - Kamak is the fruit of the latest discovery in Crob technoloogy and psym mastery. It is the only Bibot capable of using inflammed and freezing projectiles allowing hom to face everything coming its way. [img][/img] Complete run by reaching the end (or dying) and gain some Bibots' experience and nanites. [img][/img] Leveling up your Bibots will unlock some power up called Compos'up and each Bibot has 10 Compos'up to unlock throughout 20 levels! And that's where nanites, one of Bibots' currency, are useful as they allow you to buy these Compos'up. The latter allows you to personalize your Bibot's weapons, main and secondary. But choices must be made as only 1 out 5 Compos'up can be used for each weapon until some times... [img][/img] If you want to get all the update about Bibots before its launch you can follow and wishlist the game!