Calling all Heroes! The age of knights is in its twilight, but the people still require your aid! Venture through various randomly-generated locales, complete quests and take down fearsome bosses. Return to your home estate to construct new buildings, equip powerful weapons, and rally new heroes!
[h2]Beta V0.2.24 - Release Notes[/h2]
[h3]New Features[/h3]
[*] Allow backing out of the Campsite menu inside of a zone.
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
[*] Fixed issue where Pausing the game would mess with the Music fading in/out
[*] Fixed an issue causing a minor error when spawning an ambushing enemy
[*] Added in the appropriate Text for Entering Locations
[*] Updated the new Player Sprites for the Campsite menu
[*] Fixed issue where the music could change in a dungeon and play the Forest theme instead of the current biome
[*] Fixed issue where the audio would not update right away when setting the audio in the Options menu