Beta V0.2.19 - Release Notes

In Search of Heroes!

Calling all Heroes! The age of knights is in its twilight, but the people still require your aid! Venture through various randomly-generated locales, complete quests and take down fearsome bosses. Return to your home estate to construct new buildings, equip powerful weapons, and rally new heroes!

[h2]Beta V0.2.19 - Release Notes[/h2] [h3]New Features[/h3] [list] [*] More Colors added to accessibility options [*] Unity Crash Diagnostics enabled to allow us to trouble shoot crashes (This does not capture any personal information and can be opted out in the "Game Options" Options Menu.) [/list] [h3]Balance Tweaks[/h3] [list] [*] Beastmaster Star shard requirements lowered [*] Beastmaster base damage increased slightly [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed issues when picking up items which caused Quest Progression to get rolled back. [*] Removed old Artificer Dialog [*] Hawks no longer damage walls [*] Fixed Beastmaster's Burrow Ability missing upgrades [*] Made it so Animals aren't alerted to player when burrowing [*] Summons will now replay the summon sound when re-summoned [*] Removed Blacksmith and Healer's one time use limit [*] Renamed Estate's Gold Display [*] Removed XP Orb from Dungeons and Enemy loot pool [*] Fixed issue where some enemies (Void Mine) could still damage or be destroyed when petrified [*] Fixed issue preventing accessibility colors being previewed in the drop down list. [/list]