Beta Update 1.1.0

Mandela Syndrome

A horror puzzle game about keeping the world from being forgotten, one box at a time. Control multiple switchboards, solve puzzle minigames and survive the horrors of this strange Association.

A fairly sizeable update that adds a bit more content and fixes a lot of major issues. [b]Bugs[/b] - Fully solved all prefab ID errors. - Solved the issue with the Player Prefab not spawning, causing the user to be a static camera. - Solved the issue with crates not spawning upon clocking in. - Fixed the phone magically flying in the air on Thursday. - Fixed most crate miscount errors. [b]Features[/b] + Added new overhauled lockers + Added nameplates to lockers + Placed the Reality Anchor button in a better position + Renamed the Anchor to Reality Anchor. + Added quota sheet so the level's passing percentage is conveyed to the Player. + Added volume controls to the Main Menu. (non-operational) + Placed an "out of order" sign on the unused Stable button + Added new décor props to levels. +/- Reduced Player mouse sensitivity. +/- Set UI elements to scale with screen size rather then maintaining physical size. +/- Changed blacklight terminal text on certain levels. Unity Engine has been updated from 2022.3.4f1 to 2022.3.17f1