Beta Patch Notes - 17/06/2024

Skygard Arena Beta Playtest

Hello there, Tacticians! 👋 Here are the Patch Notes for the newest version - if you haven’t already, make sure to update your game! [h3][b]BALANCING ⚖️[/b][/h3] [b]Na Jima (Daughter of the Skies)[/b] 🏹 [i]This persona is struggling to reach combat because of Na Jima’s low movement value. We’re trying to give her a bit more contextual mobility, so that she can reach the battle more easily than before. The bug allowing Na Jima to use her primary action on the same target is also fixed.[/i] [list] [*][Secondary Action] Fallback Shot [*] -> May now be used on allies and pillars. [/list] [b]Jorn (Eternal Warden)[/b] 🐊 [i]Jorn’s Eternal Warden persona is very strong right now. He deals heavy damage to champions, while being very resilient and mobile. We chose to lower his overall damage output and his health pool to make him easier to handle.[/i] [list] [*] Base HP: 190 → 160 [*] [Primary Action] Battering Ram [*] -> Damage to champions: 35 → 25 [*] -> Damage to Pillars: 60 → 50 [/list] [b]Champei (Earth Avatar)[/b] 🐼 [i]Champei is currently a nightmare : she deals way too much damage with her talent, while being very resilient due to her high base health and healing tool. To give her opponents a fighting chance, we’re lowering both her health pool and the damage on her talent.[/i] [list] [*] Base HP: 190 → 160 [*] [Talent] Collision Master [*] -> Collision damage: 15 → 10 [/list] [b]Aiden (Grand Inquisitor)[/b]🙏 [list] [*] [Secondary Action] Penance [*] -> [Bugfix] Aiden can now correctly use Penance on himself. [/list] [b]Riposte token[/b] [i]Riposte, for now only used by Daerio, is a bit of a weak token. We try to make it a bit more punchy by increasing counter-attack damage.[/i] [list] [*] Damage: 20 → 30 [/list] [h3][b]BUG FIXES 🐛[/b][/h3][list] [*] Raine’s “Poison Witch” Persona now functions properly! 🥳 [*] Games no longer freeze after the deploy phase; [*] Capturing your opponent’s Main Pillar now always properly wins the game; [*] Champei’s “Repulsive Leap” Skill animation should now function correctly; [*] Player names should now display correctly during matches; [*] Some Skill previews that weren’t displaying correctly in PvP, now are! [*] AI will no longer play during your turn if its Champion dies during its turn; [*] Stacking statuses should now display properly on the Talents’ icon; [*] The Guardians’ map should now have its missing column back; [*] Enemy Respawn should now properly display whose respawning (it’s your enemy) (not you) [/list] [h3][b]UI/UX IMPROVEMENTS 🪟[/b][/h3][list] [*] Pathfinding now accounts for Sentries; [*] Game stats are now visible after a PvP game; [*] Pillars animations are now smoother; [*] Matchmaking: Time in queue before getting paired against an AI has been increased from 3 minutes to 30 minutes; [*] Tutorial dialog explaining how to capture a Pillar when you have more Champions than your opponent has now been emphasized; [*] End screen UI showing a new Persona now allows you to read that Persona’s Skill tooltips; [/list] [h3][b]AI [/b]🤖[/h3][list] [*] Tutorial AI is now more reliable; [*] Champei’s & Aerica’s AIs will now interact better with Traps/Sentries. [*] Aiden’s AI will cast Blessing more often, as he’s more thankful for his AI teammates now; [*] Aerica’s AI will now use her Sentry at the beginning of a game, to upset you specifically; [/list] That'll be all for now! Thank you for reading, and see you all in the Arena!