Beta 14 "Mod Support" Patch (Beta 14.6.1)

No Plan B

Carefully plan your team's tactics in close quarters battles. Use the timeline to synchronize each door breach, grenade throw and room entry with precision. Watch your team execute your plan autonomously in epic cinematic replays. Take on challenging roguelike campaigns or standalone missions.

[h2]New content and features[/h2] [list] [*] Added the "Full Team" profile option to start with 8 characters (no leaderboard / achievement) [*] Enemies now react and prepare when they see a door opening [/list] [h2]Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Unlock all the single mission modes when completing the first chapter of the campaign [*] Removed melee enemies from the 2 first chapters of the SWAT campaign [*] Reduced the effect of the deafening strike perk on enemies [*] Tweaked the perk modifiers and score maluses [*] Improved the way perks modifiers are displayed [*] Improved some room layouts [*] Tweaked the visual of the light weapon attachments [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed blocked path in some generated maps [*] Fixed east upper floor sniping spots having blocked vision [*] Fixed weird glitches happening when unequipping a grenade from a character that planned to toss it [/list] Edit: Beta 14.6.2 unlocks all game modes for players who already completed the first chapter of the campaign