BETA 10 Pre-Release 1 Now Available

Space Impossible

Take control of a fully destructible spaceship and explore, blast or trade your way through the cosmos, alone or with friends. Every tile matters, as you dogfight, maneuver or speed your way past friendly traders, hostile aliens, and impressive space navies. What will you do, Captain?

Hello again! Space Impossible's BETA 10 pre-release is here, and in usual form, here is the overview of what has changed or improved. Following, BETA 8 and 9's new player feedback and internal impressions, a number of improvements to universe generation have been made. You can now control more discrete elements about universe generation, including most importantly, the starting state of jumpgates, ranging from every gate locked to every gate starting unlocked. We have also tweaked star system cluster size and distribution to better ensure there's always something to do, and ensured universes offer alternate choices in advancement. We have also done a number of behind-the-scenes tweaking on things like orbits to ensure better and more consistent region placement throughout. Also a long requested player feature is now an option: weapons can belong to multiple weapon groups. Finally, larger mining particle cannons have returned, with updated balance to match current standards. They cannot be manufactured, so be sure to check mining outposts. As usual with a Pre-Release, the final BETA 10 build will be released once we're happy the state of the game is bug free, sometime probably next week. If you would like to check out this pre-release build all the usual things apply, it will have problems (some of which we know about) and universes created may not be compatible with the final release. Let us know your thoughts via the forums or on our [url=]discord[/url]. If you still wish to give it a try check out all the changes and details here : and how to access it here: