Behind-the-Scenes: What We’re Working On!

Core Keeper

Explore a vast cavern of creatures, relics and resources in a mining sandbox adventure for 1-8 players. Mine, build, fight, craft and farm to unravel the mystery of the ancient Core.

Hi there, Explorers! We hope you’re all having a great time in Core Keeper and that you’re enjoying all the new content, features, and secrets in the underground. We’ve been very grateful for all your feedback as we settle into 1.0 and address some of the bugs and stability issues you’ve been reporting. If you’ve got anything to report to us, you can do so via our [url=]bug report from here[/url]. While we cannot personally respond to each individual report, we do read every single one and we are spending a lot of time investigating issues and working on patches to address these. With that in mind, we wanted to take this opportunity to give you an idea of some of the key issues we’re aiming to address in the immediate future. Please note that [u]this is not a comprehensive list of everything we’re working on[/u], it’s just a quick snapshot of some of the more pressing issues we’re looking into. We take all of your bug reports seriously and are working hard to address them. Any information you can provide on these issues is extremely valuable to us and will help us in our investigations. The details you provide along with the save files and logs you submit are very useful when it comes to helping us replicate these bugs, so please feel free to [url=]make your own bug report[/url] if you are experiencing any of the issues outlined below (or any issues in general, actually!). [h2]Snapshot of What We’re Working On[/h2] [list] [*] [b]The Maps Ain’t Mapping:[/b] There seems to still be an issue with maps becoming intertwined after deleting and recreating worlds in the same slot. This was partially addressed in the stability patch, but we’ll be investigating this further to ensure your maps are mapping. [*] [b]Cartography Table Crashes:[/b] The Cartography table is causing game crashes, which is not conducive to exploration. [*] [b]Cutscene Crashes:[/b] We’ve had some reports of the game crashing right after the intro cutscene, preventing Explorers from starting new adventures. [*] [b]Invisible Items:[/b] Some placeable items are becoming invisible after the player dies/respawns. We’d all love to be able to turn invisible, but no item should have that much power! [*] [b]Surprise Spawns:[/b] Some items are respawning when the player quits/enters the same world after being previously broken, like natural wood roots, grass, and similar items. It goes without saying that these aren’t surprise gifts from a secret admirer and this shouldn’t be happening. [*] [b]Enemy Spawns:[/b] Enemies are unintentionally spawning outside of enclosed rooms when their spawners are inside. This is enough to give anybody agoraphobia and it's not intended at all! [*] [b]Smithing Skill Issue:[/b] The Blacksmith skill is currently not working properly. The skill is supposed to decrease the amount of ingredients required to repair items and craft items in the anvil, but it currently only decreases the amount that's visible in the crafting recipe, while still using the original (non-discounted) amount of said recipe. [*] [b]Dodo Starvation:[/b] Dodos aren't eating bugs/critters from the ground. These guys are really determined to go extinct again, huh? [*] [b]The Power of Music:[/b] Music Doors (and other doors) sometimes don’t work after being opened. We’ll be fine-tuning (get it?) these ASAP.[/list] The issues outlined here are some of the more impactful bugs we’ve had reported, and we feel it’s important that you know we’re working on these. [b]This does not mean that we are not working through other issues that you have submitted to us via the [url=]bug report form[/url]. [/b] If you’ve reported an issue that isn’t listed above, fear not! We are working through each and every bug report that we receive, and we’ll be addressing these in due course. It might just be that your issue requires a little more investigation so that we can ensure we’re working on an appropriate fix. That’s why we’re so grateful for your bug reports, especially when they contain save files that we can use to investigate bugs further, so please keep sending us these (even for known issues like the ones listed above). Thank you for your support, we’re putting a lot of work into addressing these issues and developing the game beyond 1.0, and we can’t wait to share more info on what we’ve got planned for future content updates soon!