Community Wrap-Up November 1st

It's the first of the month and we've been informed that there are just 7 more Fridays until Christmas! It certainly feels like the year is flying by, and we'll look back on 2024 fondly as the year we left Early Access, but we're also very excited for everything that's to come with Core Keeper. [h2]Minor Update - Major Fun![/h2] Speaking of the future of Core Keeper, we just released a minor update that brings the first lot of new content to the game since we launched in 1.0. The 1.0.1 update brings exciting new additions such as 3x new Minion Tomes, new decorative objects, the ability to craft from chests within 10 tiles of a workbench, and resizeable areas for shovels, hoes, water cans, and the Roofing Tool! Read the full patch notes [url=]here[/url]. [img][/img] [h2]Starting Biome?[/h2] We asked you if you could start your game in any biome (scaled for difficulty), which would you start it in? A lot of you asked for new biomes (seems like a frozen biome is in high demand!) and many of you suggested biomes from [i]different games[/i], which was fun to think about! Here are some of our favourite responses... [list] [*] wilderness so i could start DRILLING ASAP [*] The Passage, to see what you'd come up with for early-game enemies in that zone. Maybe a Slime that looks like the crossview of an animal/plant cell? [*] The beach, and I wonder if it exists some icy or crystal-like or space starry biome, I would love to start there too hahah [*] The Super Mario Bros live action movie. Living overgrown fungus that is trying to help me. It opens up paths for me and collapses them behind me so I don't get attacked outside my local areas, and it makes bridges for me so I never get stuck. [/list] [h2]Regular Base vs Halloween Base[/h2] Which do you prefer? This regular old base or the creepy Halloween version? [img][/img] [img][/img] [h2]Minor Update Exploration by Jade PG CRAFTED [/h2] Our wonderful Ambassador, Jade PG CRAFTED, takes a dive into our 1.0.1 update following launch! [previewyoutube=onK1RE6Tyes;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Kaela Kovalskia Plays Core Keeper[/h2] Hololive VTuber, Kaela Kovalskia, streamed 5x hours of Core Keeper fun and we loved every minute of it! [previewyoutube=9qXgEBrLmc0;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Follow us on X:[/b] [url=][/url] [b]Join the Conversation on Discord:[/b] [url=][/url]