"Beautiful Edition" and Free2Play

Gun Ugly

Gun Ugly is a surreal action packed First Person Shooter. Dash, slide and kick your way through scores of manic enemies in a colourful multiverse that provides you with an arsenal of ridiculous weaponry. In your hands a trombone is just as dangerous as a bucket of pupples.

[h1]Beautiful* Edition Patch Notes[/h1] [h2]Weapon improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Rapid laser visuals [*] Rapid laser quad shots while sliding [*] Fixed bug where rapid laser could hit the player when sliding backwards [*] Flamethrower visual clarity improved [*] Trombone is much more consistent [*] Insect weapon animation improved [/list] [h2]UX improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Smoothed camera effects while dashing [*] Lower default volumes [*] Added sound when using an activatable [*] Increased range of activatables [*] Mouse button icons instead of [RMB] [/list] [h2]Level Improvements[/h2] [h3]Tutorial is much less annoying [/h3] [list] [*] The game goes straight into “Train Raid” level, with absolute basics written out [*] “Slide Tutorial” happens after train raid, and is way shorter [*] Who’d have thought something I threw together in a few hours wasn’t the ideal tutorial [/list] [h3]Improvements to “Huge” level[/h3] [list] [*] Custodian C’s messages are more obvious [*] City is easier to move around in [*] Some extra health [*] Final enemies are slightly more fair [/list] [h3]“Social Visit” fight is now required [/h3] [list] [*] Previously the game encouraged you to skip it for some reason [*] New Giant car melee buzzbot, he rolls around on one wheel, he doesn’t need that car, how silly [/list] [h3]“Special Target”[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Special Target has been completely remade[/b] [/list] [h3]Other levels[/h3] [list] [*] Added an extra Throne to “Skydive” so they’re easier to find [*] Fixed objectives in “Rooftop Rampage” [*] “Lab” objective visuals improved [*] Fix text clipping in “Indomitable Truths” level [*] “Hospital” boss has more health in nightmare mode [/list] [h2]Misc[/h2] [list] [*] Added [u]outlines [/u] [*] Custodian A noises no longer make me want to rip my ears off [*] Improve Giant Melee Buzzbot flames [*] Added Gestuman easter egg [*] Added fun visuals when you die - [b]This one is actually the best bit of the patch[/b] [/list] [h2]Optional challenge modes[/h2] [list] [*] Unlocked after beating the game [*] Vampire mode: health slowly drains, get kills to stay alive [*] No Heal mode: enemies don’t drop health, stay safe out there [/list] [h3]Free2Play[/h3] This patch should coincide with the game becoming completely free on steam (if not now, in the next few days hopefully) [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905595833238573066/980071318970040340/GunUglyPoster3.png[/img] *Don't worry the game is still ugly