Patch 1.3 - The "Extremely Embarrassing" Update

Gun Ugly

Gun Ugly is a surreal action packed First Person Shooter. Dash, slide and kick your way through scores of manic enemies in a colourful multiverse that provides you with an arsenal of ridiculous weaponry. In your hands a trombone is just as dangerous as a bucket of pupples.

[h2]Completely new Swamp Vacation level[/h2] Did you know that the third level was just bad? I'd forgotten, [i]how embarrassing.[/i] The new one is shorter, more intense and with a brand new fight against the swamp king. [h2]New Difficulty Mode - Hard Tough[/h2] Tougher enemies make for a more deliberate experience rather than just running through swarms of enemies. Hard Classic still exists if you [i]do[/i] want to run through swarms of enemies [h2]Difficulty Select previews[/h2] What does "normal" mean anyway? - a question asked by ancient philosophers, and gamers trying to figure out what option to select [h2]Level Select Previews[/h2] So what if no one ever uses the level select because the game auto loads the next level, I like it anyway [img][/img] [h2]Miscellaneous improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Fish no longer slice when dead [*] Wizards poof when dying correctly [*] Slide sound is more audible [*] Train raid radars attach consistently (how embarrassing) [*] Train raid tab instructions are less easy to miss (how embarrassing) [/list]