Be Hero - Hotfix (Test Branch)

Be Hero

Be Hero is a farming/crafting RPG about an aspiring hero who arrived late to the final battle and needs to work in a tavern to be able to return home.

Hello everyone! We’ve been watching a lot of people play these past few days and we’ve already got some important feedback, some of which will come in the first content update. For the same reason, although this update is only a hotfix, we took the opportunity to include 2 new items: Apple Juice and Floral Tea, to improve the energy management at the beginning of the game. We hope you like it :) And for those who want to check everything that has been corrected/changed, this is the patch notes: [b]Be Hero - Hotfix[/b] - Added Apple Juice - Added Floral Tea - Fixed an error that caused some stones to overlap in the procedural generation of mines - Fixed an error related to layers in the procedural generation of mines - Fixed the trees colliders in front of the tavern - Fixed the colliders of some trees in the Backyard - Fixed an error that allowed playing the walking animation of the player after interacting with a workstation - Fixed an error that allowed playing the walking animation of the player after opening the inventory - Fixed a bug that prevented buying more than 20 items with only one space in the inventory - Fixed an error related to the player's position in the map - Fixed bug that caused workstations not to stop when using inventory - Fixed a bug that prevented the tavern counter from being updated - Corrections in the text of some skills - Adjusted and corrected the collider of the chests (should fix a rare freezing error when using a chest) - Adjustments and corrections of the tavern counter - Herbal Tea was replaced by Apple Juice on the Kitchen Table - Herbal Tea is now made in the Cooking Set - Replaced the Salad icon to better reflect the ingredients - Script improvements (should fix a rare button lockup) - Adjusted the passage of time when interacting with chests (should fix a rare lockup bug while using chests) - Bats now correctly drop Batwing - Adjustments in some kitchen colliders