BBCF Rollback netcode Public Test begins NOW!! (Dec 6th, 2021)

BlazBlue Centralfiction

Combining a 2D fighting game with a visual novel, the BlazBlue series continues on with massive fan support! The latest installation, BlazBlue: Centralfiction, serves as the ending to the Azure Saga, revealing the hidden truth of the world!

We are pleased to announce our launch for the public testing phase for rollback netcode implementation for Blazblue: Centralfiction! With this implementation, our final goal is to allow seamless online gameplay with players over the world. *Individual players' network infrastructure conditions may still apply. This public test is for us to better identify potential bugs and issues with the rollback netcode implementation, and the overall game play may still be unstable. Please report any bugs found over at the Community Hub, where we have set up a specific sub-forum for the public test. [h1]HOW TO ACCESS[/h1] Please follow the following instructions to access the public test: 1) From the Steam client, select the game, right click, and select "Properties". [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/28520277/477125e8527c755b209fb8834bc761e9ee6b3164.png[/img] 2) Select the "BETAS" tab. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/28520277/e059abbac5ba1d8947f50f3093ac1f710de3fdce.png[/img] 3) From the "Select the beta you would like to opt into" drag down menu, select "publictest". [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/28520277/78640ee1be5533398c49e731ae55a46d9dde6142.png[/img] 4) Close the properties menu. 5) The game will automatically update. After the update has ended, you're set to go!