Battlemaster Lessons - Natural Blocking

Boreal Blade

Boreal Blade is a team-based melee fighting game with a focus on player vs player combat, combining reactive and tactical gameplay with extraordinary freedom to variate your attacks and develop your unique fighting style.

[img][/img] It is time for the first Battlemaster Lesson! [i]"Greetings, young ones! It warms my old heart to see so many aspiring warriors eager to learn! Today I’m going to teach you more about the natural blocking."[/i] But what exactly is natural blocking? It means that blocking happens automatically and does not need to be activated separately. Thus, it allows you to attack or perform any other actions you deem fit while blocking. Check out useful tricks and tips on how to use natural blocking to your advantage from our [url=]blog![/url] Now that you have mastered natural blocking in theory, it is time to try out these mechanics yourself. Don't have the beta enabled on your Steam account yet? Getting a key is easy, just head to to request a key! You can also give feedback and talk with the devs on Discord. And don’t forget to [url=]wishlist the game on Steam[/url]. [][img][/img][/url]