Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials 1.4.4 Patch Notes

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials is a snarky action-adventure puzzle game with a good dose of humor. Explore hundreds of secret-filled rooms, fight big bosses, gather companions for your party and use the powers of Pip—your bat buddy—to solve puzzles and escape the eldritch abyss!

[list] [*] Support for custom modded languages [list] [*] See the following file within the game's install folder for instructions on how it works: [code][game install location]/Batbarian Testament of the Primordials_Data/StreamingAssets/localization_modding_readme.txt[/code] [*] Note that the English/Spanish/French fonts will be used for any added languages, so only languages with similar character sets will render correctly. The following characters are supported in addition to the English alphabet: ÀÁÂÄÆÇÈÉÊËÍÎÏÑÓÔÙÚÛÜßàáâäæçèéêëíîïñóôöùúûü [/list] [*] Fixed being able to lock yourself on the wrong side of a door in Mournsalt [*] Fixed being able to lock yourself out of an area in Ricochet Rumble [*] Slightly improved layout of one Darkcross and one Polyandrium room [*] Made sure a late game room in which a campfire and a door are both unlocked, that if for some reason the door didn't open it will be opened upon revisiting the room (fixes a progress blocker that was reported) [/list]