Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials 1.1.15 Patch Notes

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials is a snarky action-adventure puzzle game with a good dose of humor. Explore hundreds of secret-filled rooms, fight big bosses, gather companions for your party and use the powers of Pip—your bat buddy—to solve puzzles and escape the eldritch abyss!

Got another small update today! Biggest thing is fixing being stuck on tutorial steps that require a specific input to progress when that input has been unmapped by the player. Full patch notes below! [h3]1.1.15 Patch Notes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fix for possibility of getting stuck on a tutorial step after unbinding the keys needed for that tutorial step (in this case any input will now progress the step). [*] Fixed selection indicator sometimes moving to HUD items after dismissing the keybinding screen. [*] Further measures to prevent cheese in an optional challenge room. [*] Improved translations for a couple lines in Simplified Chinese. [*] Grammar fix. [/list]