[h3]Hi everyone,[/h3]
Today we have another major update for you!
This update comes with [b]6 new items[/b], new special [b]rule options for lobbies and unranked games[/b], different [b]matchmaking options for lobbies[/b], and a bunch of quality-of-life upgrades.
This includes the option to pick up multiple items with the [b]green selection box[/b], a [b]ranking bonus[/b] when you rank up, and some fun animations here and there.
As usual, there are some balance adjustments coming with the new content, expect more in the following weeks reacting to the new items and their impact.
P.S: Yes, Steam achievements are coming with the full version :)
Also, here's a Valentine's Card for you ❤
[h2]Changelog for 0.9.33[/h2]
[h3]New Content[/h3]
[*] NEW SKILL: Echoing Battlecry
[*] NEW SKILL: Enchanted Weapons
[*] NEW SKILL: Time Melting
[*] NEW SKILL: No Rush Please
[*] NEW RECIPE: Winged Boots
[*] NEW TREASURE: Happy Bomb
[b]Lobbies [/b]
[*] The host can now choose one of 5 matchmaking options, and check “Prioritize Host” so the other members are matched against the host more often
[*] Improved round time configuration and countdown animation
[*] As long as you have at least 45s left, battle speed can now be controlled
[b]New custom rules (Configurable in lobbies and custom unranked)[/b]
[*] Sale chance
[*] Trade chance
[*] Treasure limit
[*] Placing bags permanently
[*] You can now make a box select with right-click to grab non-bag items only
[*] Added more tutorial hints given by the shopkeeper
[*] Going up to a new rank in Ranked mode now gives a bonus of +10 ranking!
[*] Added a “reset filters” button to the item library
[*] Many new animations and polish to discover
[*] Hammer: Damage +1
[*] Shelly: Cleanse chance increase 30% -> 25, Potion speed bonus 10% -> 15%
[*] Cthulhu: Cooldown 4.5s -> 4.2s
[*] Falcon Blade: Bonus speed 35% -> 40%
[*] Platinum Customer Card: Treasure chance 25% -> 30%
[*] Katana: Stamina cost 1.5 -> 1.4, cooldown 1.8s -> 1.7s
[*] Shepherd’s Crook: Added 2 star slots
[*] Holy Armor: Cooldown 2.6s -> 2.2s
[*] Holdall: Block 6 -> 7
[*] Ice Dragon: Cold threshold 12 -> 10
[*] Artifact Stone: Death: Crit chance bonus 7% -> 8%
[*] Reworked Stoned: No longer gives crit resistance, instead reduces damage taken
[*] Knife to Meet You: Bonus speed per Dagger 20% -> 25%
[*] Frozen Flame: Block per Ice item 22 -> 25
[*]Reworked Obsidian Dragon: No longer has bonus attacks, instead gives crits to * weapon
[*] Reworked Solaris: Now increases the amount of Heat gained instead of cleansing
[*] Hawk Rune (Inventory): Cooldown 3.3s -> 3.0s
[*] Ruby Chonk: Damage -2
[*] Reworked Poison Goobert: Now heals instead of cleansing Poison