Backpack Battles Patch 0.9.32

[h3]Hi everyone,[/h3] Today we have a little teaser for the items coming to the beta branch - if all goes well next Friday already! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44182194/434ae934572708529fc726265110bd3f457771ec.jpg[/img] Besides that, there are some more balance adjustments. It turns out the love Pyromancer got last patch wasn't quite enough, so here is more! As always, we’ll keep watching if this was too much, or too little, don't panic :) [h2]Changelog for 0.9.32[/h2] [b]Neutral[/b] [list] [*] Bloody Dagger: Cooldown 2.5s -> 2.4s [*] Poison Dagger: Damage +1 [*] Lightsaber: Blind duration 5s -> 6s [*] Knife to Meet You: Dagger speed bonus 15% -> 20% [*] Lil Chestnut: Added 4 star tiles [*] Ice Dragon: Block 50 -> 60 [*] Amulet of Steel: Block 25 -> 30, Block needed to gain Empower 35 -> 40 [/list] [b]Pyromancer[/b] [list] [*] Fire Pit: Maximum health bonus 4 -> 5 [*] Sun Shield: Damage blocked 14 -> 15 [*] Burning Sword: Heat chance 40% -> 60% [*] Burning Blade: Damage +2 [*] Solaris: Sun Shield Heat generation 60% -> 75%, Sun Armor Block 18 -> 20 [*] Friendly Fire: Cooldown 2.9s -> 2.8s [*] Frozen Flame: Block 19 -> 22 [/list]