[h3]Hi everyone![/h3]
Last week, we changed the Hero Sword recipe to include only a single Whetstone. Our first impression it that the changes have landed quite nicely and that they are here to stay.
We will let y’all experiment for at least another week and keep a close eye on everything Hero Sword-based in particular.
We are having a new [b]poll[/b] on our [url=https://discord.gg/sbEkqeUKNr]Discord server[/url], by the way - so come by and let us know what you think.
[h2]Changelog for 0.9.30[/h2]
[*] Poison Dagger: Cooldown 2.5s -> 2.2s
[*] Bloody Dagger: Cooldown 2.8s -> 2.5s
[*] Spectral Dagger: Bonus damage 5 -> 6
[*] Shepherd’s Crook: Buff protection 25% -> 35%
[*] Stone Armor: Empower removal 1 -> 2
[*] Shelly: Cleanse increase 35% -> 30%
[*] Snow Stick: Cooldown 1.9s -> 2.1s, damage +1
[*] Knife to Meet You: Speed boost by daggers 10% -> 15%
[*] Mana Mastery: Cooldown 5s -> 4.7s
[*] Smelly Wall: Block needed 20 -> 18
[*] Pop: Speed per Mana 3% -> 4%
[*] Cthulhu: Cooldown 5s -> 4.5s
[*] Chili Pepper: Cooldown 5s -> 4.8s
[*] Chili Goobert: Heal 12 -> 14
[*] Frozen Flame: Block 14 -> 17
[*] Cheese: Cooldown 4s -> 3.8s
[*] Cheese Goobert: Maximum health 18 -> 20
[*] Deerwood Guardian: Heal 12 -> 15
[*] Brass Knuckles: Stun chance 40% -> 50%, stun duration 0.4s -> 0.3s
[*] Demonic Flask: Damage 0.4 -> 0.35
[*] Strong Demonic Flask: Damage 0.75 -> 0.7
[*] Death Scythe: Stamina cost 1.0 -> 0.8
[*] Mr. Struggles: Debuff chance 30% -> 25%
[*] Mrs. Struggles: Cooldown 3.7s -> 4.0s