Axis Football 2018 v3.6 is now live!

Axis Football 2018

Axis Football is an American football simulation featuring a deep Franchise Mode and full customization.

Hi, folks! After a little mishap with v3.5, we're happy to annouce that v3.6 is now live! I'm reposting the v3.5 changelog below. [list] [*]Fixed a bug that was preventing drafted players from showing up in the list of available players to trade. [*]Fixed an audio loading asset bundle issue that was sometimes causing the game to freeze up at halftime. [*]Fixed the spelling of 'concussion' [*]The ball will now properly be placed at the 20 after an INT and tackle in the endzone. [*]Touchdowns will no longer be recorded twice when there is a penalty on a scoring play. [*]The AI will call timeouts more appropriately now when under 2 minutes to go in the half. [*]You can now shift your safety left and right on formations that only have 1 safety [*]Catch logic will now take the number of defenders nearby into greater account. [*]Catch logic will now take the stats difference between the reciever and defender into greater account. [*]Catch logic will be based on both catch and awareness for receivers and defenders [*]Defending a pass will be based on both cover and awareness for defenders [*]Kickoffs caught in the endzone or out of the endzone will now be placed at the 25. [*]Punts that go into the endzone will always be placed at the 20. [*]Onside kicks return can now be selected. [*]The clock can now only be accelerated with the "X" button if the play is pre-snap [*]So called "experts" now predict the outcome of your game before it's played. This can be viewed on the game setup screen on the far right tab (new). [/list] Thanks for the continued support! Best, Danny