Axis Football 2018 v2.6 is now live!

Axis Football 2018

Axis Football is an American football simulation featuring a deep Franchise Mode and full customization.

Folks, Thank you for your continued feedback. We've made a number of slight adjustments to improve the quality and realism. If your update doesn't automatically download, make sure you exit out of Steam and load it back up. Here's a list of changes in v2.6: [list] [*]Adjusted the blocking algorithm to be framerate independent. You should now see much more consistent blocking. This should have a positive effect on the number of sacks and rushing yards during a game to bring them more in line with simulation football. [*]Adjusted catching in coverage to be more realistic [*]Added Steam Controller support for saving files when using the player editor [*]Fixed a bug with the Ignore Controller toggle that was causing players to not be able to use the keyboard after turning this on. Whenever you turn this toggle on or off, we recommend that you close out of the game and open it again. [*]Adjusted some of the animation transitions to make them smoother [*]Fixed an issue with a Pistol formation run play [/list] PS - We are aware that there are still some lingering issues with penalties - especially when a penalty occurs during a change of possession/score. We are working on those and will get them fixed ASAP. PPS - We are currently experiencing heavy amounts of rain and wind from Florence. We have not lost power, but many of the homes around us have. We hope to be able to continue to put out fixes as needed but wanted to let everyone know of our current weather situation. Thanks again for everyone's support! Best, -Danny