August Update Part 3

Dungeon Scavenger

Dungeon Scavenger is a unique turn-based old school dungeon crawler that sets you on a challenging path of exploration. Select a hero to keep the threat of the dungeon and demon realms away from the town's people with an innovative combat system. Can you save the town from the danger below?

Hi there, last update for August. Some improvements from the recent launch. [list] [*] Melee icon now displays the melee damage to be inflicted. [*] The tooltip now automatically activates when using controller or keyboard to navigate in Stats and Combat. [*] The turn summary deactivates at the end of the combat part of the tutorial. To activate it back, you can do it on the settings, under game. [*] Tutorial now explains perks better. [*] Buffing and Debuffing now have a sound effect. [*] Changing to Halloween theme will change the title song. [*] And much more. [/list] Happy scavenging, Vidama Software