August Update part 2

Dungeon Scavenger

Dungeon Scavenger is a unique turn-based old school dungeon crawler that sets you on a challenging path of exploration. Select a hero to keep the threat of the dungeon and demon realms away from the town's people with an innovative combat system. Can you save the town from the danger below?

Hey there, a couple more updates for August. [list] [*] Events now do damage based on the level you encounter them. [*] You can now sell pets in the bank. Clicking sell will lose the current pet and award you gold based on pet's level. [*] Silence, Pacify, Slow and Fumble can now be countered on the turn they will occur by using cover. [*] There is no cap on furnace anymore if using Furnace item. Now the cap with Furnace item is Divine. [*] Knight will attempt to use a furnace if the new items exceeds its own ability. [*] Instead of "low level" in bank, you will see "Level #" instead with the missing level. [*] Food now refills your stamina as a side effect. [*] Waterfall Store event now allows you to send your current pet to the zoo if you have a Return Cage. Also will display how many of the new pet you have in the zoo. [*] Other minor fixes. [/list] Happy scavenging, Vidama Software