April '24 Development Update and new Demo


Prepare your dungeon against intruders and protect your loot chests with monsters and well-placed traps. Train your hero, equip powerful gear and conquer other players' dungeons to fight your way to the top of the league.

I'm currently working towards the release. During the last weeks I am busy with working on the monsters of the second story chapter. This will feature a lava landscape theme in which the dungeons will be played. There you will encounter enemies with the element of fire. Everything from fireball throwing imps to hellhounds breathing fire will be there. Thanks to the active community in Discord, there is already a new demo patch. Some errors were reported, which we were able to quickly fix thanks to detailed descriptions. There were also really great suggestions, some of which we have already implemented in the patch. In addition, I was able to collect a lot of information through the dungeon replays in order to implement further balancing changes. [b]Version (28.04.2024)[/b] [list] [*] add capacity tooltip in dungeon editor [*] improve dungeon editor selection of small dungeon components (e.g. barrels) [*] adjust color swirl to blue for elites and red to bosses [*] raise initial energy cost for whirlwind from 8 to 12 [*] slightly increased monster damage [*] adjust font style [*] fix chest colliders in dungeon editor [*] fix exlosive arrow damage [*] fix fire heads immune duration [*] fix key bindings during dungeon draft renaming [*] fix keeping draft names while saving [*] fix life regeneration [*] fix active theme selection [*] fix league pagination [/list] Join our active community and create an awesome and unique dungeon. There is already an active community playing the demo who will try to conquer your monsters and traps!