Eve of Souls: Static Pod

[The pod will break soon. Will she survive the nightmare or find the truth?]

[h3]DEVELOPMENT[/h3] [list] [*] Drafted about 5000 words of the story from mid-Feb to mid-Apr. [*] Finished 4 endings, and added plots that indicate them. [*] Changed some parts of the main storyline. If you've ventured a guess about how it goes, you probably would need to do that again. [*] Expanded the content of the first 3 chaps. [*] Thought about changing the title of the game, which was a bit confusing and misleading, to say the least. [/list] [h3]ABOUT MY HEALTH[/h3] [list] [*] Stable most of the time. [*] Getting more sensitive to noise, especially construction and babies. [*] Nightmare vs good dream 6:4, getting better. It was 10:0 last year. [*] Caught a fever at the end of April, 39℃ to 40℃. I'm better now, but not fully recovered yet. [/list]