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Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam is a high-adrenaline arcade-action shooter heavily focused on frantic action. In a world where cyberpunk meets fantasy-fiction and advanced technology is mixed with black magic and psycho-powers, Sam travels through four beautiful worlds, confronting countless foes on his way to Mental's base.

It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen! Time for an update. But not just any update! An update with a lot of fixes and features. We'd also like to tell you a little bit about ourselves. Who's Alligator Pit, really? What's changed since the last time we introduced ourselves to the community? [url=https://samrev.com/posts/about-us]Read more about it here[/url], on our latest official blogpost! Talking about community contributors, we'd also like to showcase our brand new achievement icons! Check them out on [url=http://steamcommunity.com/id/ansjh/stats/appid/227780/achievements]Steam[/url]! They were made by [url=http://adrianbukowski.deviantart.com/]this guy[/url], check out his other stuff! Also, we created a brand new documentation website for information about dedicated servers, scripting, and more! Check it out at [url=http://docs.samrev.com/]docs.samrev.com[/url]. This documentation can be contributed to on [url=https://github.com/AlligatorPit/Documentation]Github[/url] as well, so feel free to submit any pull requests if you have anything to add. [list][*]Added a new mutator: Enemies Replacer. This randomly replaces enemies in any level with random special character types. [*]Added a Pitch property to SoundHolder entities. [*]Added a default dedicated server controller addon: the Combative Creature Cutter, also known as CCC. You can add admins, kick people, or invoke votekicks. (More documentation about this soon!) [*]Updated the Bromscript scripting engine. [*]Added new (old) variants of Elementals: Earth and Wind. [*]Added some more customization options to Grunt and Firecracker. [*]Fixed lasergun/tommygun slowdown bug. [*]Fixed windowed mode resolutions not always showing the right values in menu. [*]Fixed "Stats not saved: error 3". [*]Fixed stats for Ziggurrat never uploading to Steam leaderboards. [*]Fixed stats shown in menus always being singleplayer. This also shows deathmatch stats now! [*]Fixed stats not always saving correctly when playing multiplayer. [*]Fixed the way secondary fire, Netricsa, and Use controls were conflicting with each other. They are now all separate controls. This also avoids confusion. [*]Fixed a bunch of minor level issues. [*]Fixed a bunch of minor networking issues. [*]Fixed a bunch of minor graphical issues. [*]Fixed a bunch of crashes. [*]Fixed a few survival exploits. [*]Lots of internal code changes that will allow us to roll out fixes even faster! [/list] ːkingsamː