Announcing our first major update: Memories

Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy is a dice-based survival city builder set on a mysterious ringworld. Your ship has reached the shore of an uncharted continent. Roll and use your dice to gather resources, expand and defend your settlement, survive the winter and interact with the strange inhabitants of this eerie world.

Hey folks, it's Gian Paolo Vernocchi, Creative Director of DESTINYbit. Yesterday, during the Escapist Indie Showcase, we announced our first update to Dice Legacy - the Memories Update. Check out the trailer: [previewyoutube=lQ074WJm2bE;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]Memories[/h1] The update will feature a brand new system called [b]Memories[/b]. Memories are a new system that is introduced into the game and that influences everything else. In essence, Memories are modifiers that can appear and be collected inside Locations or dropped by Threats. Memories are composed of a randomly chosen positive and negative effect. In other words, each Memory is both positive and negative at the same time. Whenever a Memory is retrieved, the player can choose from 3 randomly generated Memories. Up to 3 Memories can be possessed by the player at the same time. Memories can be extracted after a game and be carried into future games. The driving force behind Memories is to increase the variety and replayability of the game. As such, we tried to sprinkle in some wilder effects that will spawn more interesting situations. [h1]Additional changes and improvements[/h1] Memories are only one part of the upcoming update. We've been listening to all the feedback we got since the release and we're working hard to improve the game and address some of the requests we've got. The biggest change we're going to introduce is the ability to manipulate dice while the game is paused. In other words, [b]Full Active Pause[/b]. We understand that some players would like to take their time to make decisions without the time pressure attached to it. While this was not the way the game was envisioned, we understand that some players are seeking a different kind of experience and as such we're going to introduce this as an option. Effectively, difficulties and pause are being de-coupled, allowing any difficulty to be played with Active Pause. We're splitting the pause options into three: No Pause, Classic (as it is currently) and Tabletop (full active pause). We leave to the player the decision on how they want to play. Furthermore, we're introducing [b]full rebindable hotkeys[/b], [b]accessibility options[/b] - including options for colorblind folks, and various improvements to the interface and the balancing of the game. We're looking to announce a full list of upcoming changes later, alongside a proper roadmap. [h1]The future of Dice Legacy[/h1] We have more to come beyond the Memories update and we have plans for more content and improvements, including new Scenarios, systems buildings and Dice Classes. We are working on a roadmap that illustrates what we're working on and what will be coming in the next few months, so stay tuned. Additionally, we're looking into creating a public branch where people can opt-in, get a preview and provide feedback on the upcoming changes. We're going to call this initiative the [b]Dice Legacy Laboratory[/b] and we hope to open that up very soon. We've always been pretty open with you folks so, in the same spirity, we're gonna continue that trend. As always the fastest way to reach us is through our Discord server at [url= ] [/url]. We're always in there listening and interacting with players.