Hello exterminators!
It has been a while and I’ve been busy, busy, [i]busy[/i]. First, I’m excited to announce that I’ve spent most of 2021 (so far!) working on a [b]completely new game[/b]. It’s an awesome, unique concept but very different from KIWF, so I hope some of you are willing to take a chance on it when the time comes! I won’t say too much more, except that it won’t be ready this year, partly because…
[h2]Kill It With Fire is getting its biggest ever update on August 13th![/h2]
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since KIWF launched, but here we are! I’ve done a couple smaller updates - the Omega Files, the Holiday Update - but this is the [b]BIG ONE[/b]. How big? We’re talking [b]NEW LEVEL BIG[/b].
[b]“Down The Spider Hole”[/b] (a name that has multiple meanings...you’ll see...) takes place between the old 3rd and 4th missions (“Domestic Duties” and “Major Inconvenience”) and explores an environment you’ve seen but never visited - the backyard.
Of course, with a new level comes a ton of other new stuff: three types of equipment, a flavor, three upgrades, a spider type, achievements, objectives, batteries - the whole nine yards! But that’s not all! This update brings something never before seen in KIWF - [b]a community event[/b]!
This update contains a puzzle [i]so huge[/i], it’s going to take a [b]whole army of exterminators[/b] to solve. I don’t want to ruin the surprise so I won’t say too much more, but of all the new content [i]this [/i]is what I’m most excited about. If you haven’t done so already, take a moment to [url=https://discord.com/invite/killitwithfire]join the official Kill It With Fire Discord[/url] if you want to participate!!!
That’s all for now, exterminators! Mark your calendars for August 13th! Until then be sure to [url=http://www.twitter.com/caseydonnellan]follow me on Twitter[/url] and let me know how excited you are for the new update!
Yours truly,
Casey Donnellan