Anniversary Update // Devlog + Patch Notes

Cartel Tycoon

Cartel Tycoon is a survival business sim inspired by the ‘80s and '90s narco trade. Expand and conquer, fight off rival thugs and evade the authorities. Earn people's loyalty and strive to overcome the doomed fate of a power-hungry drug lord.

[h2]Hola Capos![/h2] [h3]We want to celebrate the one year anniversary of Cartel Tycoon leaving Early Access with an [b]Anniversary Update[/b] and some goodies for all of you![/h3] [previewyoutube=4f49PNsC35k;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Devlog script: [/h3] [expand type=details]Hola Capos! My name is Andrey, and I’m the community manager of Cartel Tycoon. We have a huge date this week - July 26 will mark one year since the 1,0 Release. Since then, we have had a lot of updates: we introduced multiple new mechanics, balanced existing ones, made new Lieutenants, and, of course, listened closely to your feedback. We want to celebrate one year anniversary of Cartel Tycoon leaving Early Access with an update and with some goodies for all of you! Let’s get right into it! If you’re watching this before July 28, you can playtest the San Rafaela map on Steam! Leave a like on this video if you want a vacation there… So, it’s been one year since we left Early Access. Since then, we’ve published four major updates to the game and are working on another one right now, not including the San Rafaela DLC. The update we’re publishing today is a tad smaller, but it is still very important because we’ve wanted to focus on your feedback. First off, optimization. It’s been quite some time since we optimized the game, so we wanted to push the optimization further with this update. In particular, we’ve focused on the late game. Some of you know that when you build A LOT of buildings, the FPS takes a major hit. Or used to take it. Now, where you used to get 18 fps, you can get 50! Our internal tests were very promising, so we hope that you’ll feel these changes and they will lead to a much more comfortable experience! Secondly, balance. The introduction of the Combat System, in some cases, made the game harder than we expected, especially for new players, so we wanted to address the issue with this update further. Firstly, we wanted to address Terror and the situations when defending your building from an Enemy Gang would lead to activating the Attention Star, and defending your building from the Police would activate another, and you would be stuck in the loop of everyone constantly attacking you. Now, fights in buildings generate Terror at a much slower rate. Another issue with Terror was Guerrillas and Allied Gangs generating it for you even if your LTs left the fight leading to cases when your allies were responsible for your downfall. In this update, Guerrillas and Allied Gangs will leave the encounter if there are no player Liutenants in the fight AND if their Power is lower than the Power of your Enemy. We’ve also made Guerrilla convoys stronger - they now have 8 power instead of 5. We’ve also upped the Allegiance of Enemy Gangs at the start of the game, so they won’t start to attack you when you’re just building your first production chain. Another thing we’ve changed with the update is the Evacuation. Now, if you decide to leave your injured Lieutenant in the fight, you’ll be able to evacuate them for free after the fight ends - a reward for taking a risk! We’ve also changed Area Depots. This building used to be very powerful from the get-go, so we initially nerfed it a bit but also added it to the Research Tree so that you can upgrade as your Empire and your needs grow! There are smaller changes and, of course, bug fixes in the update, and you can read the full list in the Patch Notes that will be published with the update! Another thing we’ve added with the update are shine new Anniversary Emblems for your Cartel! You can select them at the start of your run, and they are available to everyone! After this release, we’ll be taking a small break in August - we’ve been working non-stop since last summer and want to refill our Endurance meter with a small vacation. But we’ll be back in the second half of August to continue our work on the San Rafaela DLC! And we don’t want to leave you only with this update, so on July 28, this Friday, we’ll announce a contest that will let you not only win a free copy of San Rafaela DLC and get it on release but also will let you be a part of the DLC. Excited? Leave a comment if you are! Thank you for your support during this year and through the years of Early Access, Capos. We won’t be able to be here today without your support. We hope that you’ll enjoy the anniversary update and are excited about the San Rafaela DLC (wishlist now)! As always, my name is Andrey. If you enjoyed this devlog, join our Discord, follow us on Socials, and leave a like on this video. Have a lovely day, Capos. Bye-bye. [/expand] [h2]Cartel Tycoon v. Patch Notes[/h2] [h3]Updates & changes[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Optimization[/b]. Optimized the building markers to improve performance drastically. Optimized Cartel Tycoon log file. [*] [b]Anniversary Cartel Emblems[/b]. Added 6 new Cartel Emblems to celebrate the anniversary of the 1.0 Release! [*] Guerrillas and Alliend Gangs leave the fight if their power is lower than Enemy Power and no Lieutenants are present. [/list] [h3]Balance[/h3] [list] [*] Decreased the amount of Terror gained for fights in Buildings. [*] Increased starting Enemy Gang Allegiance. (Disaffected to Dedicated) [*] Increased the Power of Guerrillas convoy (5 to 8). [*] Made Evacuation of Injured Lieutenants free after the fight ended. [*] Increased the Paranoic Residence Power bonus duration to 14 days. [*] Added Area Depot to the Research Tree and nerfed the initial stats of the building. [*] Added Upkeep and Cargo Filters to Area Depot. [/list] [h3]Audio[/h3] [list] [*] Normalized the volume of all the music tracks in the game. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] A lot of localization and technical text fixes. [*] Fixed: Enforcers spawn can spawn at sea if no Enemy Gangs are left on the map (thanks, @burgunfaust). [*] Fixed: Allied Gangs convoys can sometimes spawn at sea. (thanks, @Yuufiri) [*] Fixed: US Army attack on the Enemy Gang stops if you make a deal with this Gang through an Expiring Event. [*] Fixed: Caches can’t be built if you have less money than their Maximum Storage. [*] Fixed: Lieutenant can’t get to their destination in some instances (thanks, @floravida). [*] Fixed: Incorrect text present in the ‘Suppression Fire’ menu. [*] Fixed: Infinite encounter between US Army and Enemy Gang if their Power levels are the same. (thanks, @lol111bot) [*] Fixed: Injured Lieutenants stop healing after turning Residency off and back on during a save. [*] Fixed: Money storage sometimes obstructs other UI elements in Area Depots. (thanks, @Asgaard) [*] Fixed: Lieutenants Power tooltip is missing in the Building menu during an encounter. [*] Fixed: Guerrilla convoys sometimes get stuck in front of non-city buildings (thanks, @floravida). [/list] [h3]Known Bugs[/h3] [list] [*] Some localization issues. [*] Incorrect Quest objective in the ‘Dirty Money II’ Tutorial mission (thanks, Crow). [*] FPS drops in the ‘Road Construction’ mode. [*] Enemy Gang Power Level in their City doesn’t increase when their convoy gets back after trying to kill your Lieutenant through an Expiring Event. [*] Enemy Gang Marker disappears from the encounter bar if you move your Lieutenants from the encounter. [/list] [list] [*] [url=]Discord[/url] [*] [url=]Twitter[/url] [*] [url=]Facebook[/url] [*] [url=]Instagram[/url] [/list]