'Ancient Enemies' Invade Star Trek Online in Season Two Update

Star Trek Online Gameplay Trailer

Stardate 64023.9:
A horde of new enemies are headed into the skies of Star Trek Online. The debut trailer for the MMO's "Season 2" update showcases a gathering of menacing creatures, referred to as "Ancient Enemies," giving the game a much needed boost in additional content and adversaries.

Watch the video on Shackvideo.

Based on the quick glimpses we scanned from the footage, it would appear that at least one of the new enemies is based on the Hur'q, which had previously threatened gamers on the PlayStation in Star Trek: Invasion.

So far, it appears that Cryptic isn't going to let executive producer Craig Zinkievich's departure slowdown any progress it makes in evolving Star Trek Online for the better. And according to some, it has a long way to go.

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