An update has been released: a new type of quests, an updated helicopter, and other innovations!

Sunrise: survival

"Sunrise" - an online shooter with elements of survival from the first person. Your task is to survive in the harsh conditions of the post-apocalyptic world. Explore new regions, team up with other players in groups, survive with them and create your own rules of survival!

Uploaded update! This time, rather large-scale ... List of innovations: - Winter is over! Summer has come to take its place; - New Year's gun no longer has "Super" - characteristics; (this is now the usual mossberg); - Fixed some bugs related to the units; - Fixed playback of running sounds and other sounds after a player’s death; - Improved stairs; Increased speed of movement on the stairs; - Monsters now do not attack you forever, if you run away from them; - Fixed novice cache; - Trolley now will not turn "across" the rail (but this is not accurate); - Fixed game crash in the menu after registration; - Added a list of incoming messages in the PDA menu (U key); - The laboratory can now be reached only by those who have 1000 or more experience points; - Improved color correction (at the request of the players); - Fixed helicopter! As well as refined his behavior. Now he can fly not only during the day, and attack not only the players; - Improved effects of explosions; Added a new stunning visual effect (we are testing!); - Location "Neighborhood" is slightly updated. Added new infrastructure facility in the dam area; - Added a fundamentally new mechanic to the quest system.