Alpha Patch Notes -

Skygard Arena Beta Playtest

Hello everyone! Here are the patch notes for version! [h2]—MATCHMAKING—[/h2] [list] [*] The matchmaking algorithm now takes into account your rank and Elo score and tries to match you with an opponent with a similar rank / Elo score for the first 2 minutes and 30 seconds of the queue. [/list] [h2]—UI / UX—[/h2] [list] [*] We fixed a bug that caused the game mode selection menu to appear on the main menu screen. [/list] [h2]—BUG FIXES —[/h2] [list] [*] 2 Daerios fighting each other with Parry & Riposte activated no longer create an infinite damage loop! [*] The pull from Gravity Chains now takes place before the effect of the Sun Lance. [*] We fixed a bug that caused the teambuilding tutorial to be locked if you did not follow the instructions and dragged different Heroes in your team. [*] Winning against a player ranked Master now gives you the right amount of rank points. [*] We fixed a bug that caused games against the AI to crash when one of their Heroes was eliminated with bleed damage. [/list] [h2]—HEROES—[/h2] [h3]Na Jima[/h3] Based on the data we have Na Jima seems a little overtuned and oppressive to play against. We are slightly nerfing her damage. [list] [*] Skyshard Arrowtips (Passive): Bonus magic damage equal to 2% of target’s HP → 1% of target’s HP [*] Star Storm (Ultimate): → 6 magic damage + 6 physical damage per cast → 5 magic damage + 5 physical damage per cast → Now requires a line of sight to be cast [/list]