Alpha 0.3 Change Log - Holiday 2023 Update

Below the Stone

Below the Stone is an extraction roguelike about dwarves on the quest for the deepest depths. A place where each and every descent will lead to new adventures -- and where only the most determined dwarves with many lost lives will be rewarded by the hidden world lying below the stone.

Here is the change log. Enjoy everyone! [h1]Below The Stone - Alpha 0.3[/h1] [h2]Holiday 2023 Update[/h2] [Holiday Content] * Dwarven Kingdom is looking more festive * Gift tree added to the Dwarven Kingdom, spawns holiday loot with each return * Added Kobold Cookies * Added Candy Cane Axe * Added Candy Cane Pickaxe * Added Egg Nog * Added Holiday Hat * Added gift trees which now spawn in the caves * Kobolds will be seen wearing festive hats * Main Menu looking more festive * New Kingdom music * New easter egg [Tweaks] * Lodestones now spawn on Layer 2 * Tweaked spawn chances of some creatures in Arid Sands biome on Layer 2 * Nerfed torch burn effect [Fixes] * Addressed some other UI issues