Alpha 0.3.1 Bugfix Update Is Now Live

Below the Stone

Below the Stone is an extraction roguelike about dwarves on the quest for the deepest depths. A place where each and every descent will lead to new adventures -- and where only the most determined dwarves with many lost lives will be rewarded by the hidden world lying below the stone.

This is the last game update for 2023. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the year. Relax, find time for yourselves, and be with family. Peace out everyone! Patch notes: [h1]Alpha 0.3.1 - Bugfix Update[/h1] [Fixes] * Updated Shopkeep's tooltips to work as expected * Fixed exploit where item drops would influence creature pathfinding, allowing the player to encircle themselves with items for absolute protection. Though, this concept may come back in the future, in some other form. * Added low chance of spawning hostile mole in bioluminescent biome * Fixed bug where the player could still craft after cursor grabbing an item from their inventory * Fixed a bug where you would not be able to craft items after cursor grabbing an item from your inventory, clicking buttons in crafting ui, and then putting the item back in your inventory. * Minor improvements to crafting UI logic [Tweaks] * Reduced drop chances of gingerbread kobold's from kobolds * Reduced candy cane pickaxe power to same as iron pickaxe * Increased contrast on health bar hearts * Updated snowballs to do 5 damage * Updated silver pickaxe to mining tier 5 * Added a welcome message for when a player enters the kingdom for the first time, to try to help introduce the player to the kingdom, and what to expect.