Alpha 0.3.2 - Important News Coming Soon!

Below the Stone

Below the Stone is an extraction roguelike about dwarves on the quest for the deepest depths. A place where each and every descent will lead to new adventures -- and where only the most determined dwarves with many lost lives will be rewarded by the hidden world lying below the stone.

[h2]Tiny Update[/h2] This update is mostly for disabling all of the holiday content, nothing fancy. [b][u]BUT[/u][/b], we did include one small change with the hopes of getting some feedback from our community. In this latest update we reduced the size of the player's hitbox and collision box. We did this as a response to some of the feedback we've been getting from people. So we'd like to have you all try this change out, and let us know if it feels better. We will also be reducing the size of collision boxes for various other static objects in the caves, because it sounded like people were getting annoyed by occasionally getting caught on them in strange situations. So let us know what you think! Thanks again! [h2]Alpha 0.3.2[/h2] * Removed all of the holiday stuff until another year. * Slightly reduced the size of the player's hitbox and collider to see if that improves things. [h2]Oh, and one last thing![/h2] [h3]Keep an eye out for some more upcoming news on Below The Stone in 2024.[/h3]