ADOM 3.2.2 released to Steam (the GDPR release)

ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)

ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) is one of the most successful roguelike games ever created, boasting a brilliant mix of story, RPG, exploration, and intensely strategic & flexible combat. The Steam version adds various features like achievements, difficulty level customization & play modes.

Hi everyone! After we skipped the announcement for ADOM 3.2.1 (because it contained only cosmetical bug fixes) we just released ADOM 3.2.2 as the latest public version. ADOM 3.2.x thus leaves the beta status and we hereby declare it stable. ADOM 3.2.2 again doesn't offer any major content updates - but we had to adjust it to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which takes full effect on the 25th of May. See for the dirty details. It took us lots of effort to take everything into account and your data won't be any safer despite all the work because we always cared for your data and didn't abuse it in any evil way. But now there's a lot more documentation and legal text. The most important game-related change is that - if you registered for our global highscore server at (which we highly recommend and which soon will be getting a boost) - you will once more have to read and accept the terms of use. You also can choose to decline them but the you no longer will be allowed to upload your highscores to the global highscore. The release cycle for this release has been filled with extremely boring and brain-numbing work because GDPR - despite its good intentions - is a nightmare of cluttered, chaotic and not very well-thought out bureacratic heap of regulation. But so be it. We now are compliant and finally can move forward creating real value. Unless the next stupid EU regulation destroys productivity. As you can see I am a bit pissed off about this monstrosity. Please continue enjoying ADOM and sorry once more for not having new content to offer - we spent so many hours on this abomination that there was no room for content. The next release will be much better in that respect - promise! The update will be running automatically and if you still are running on the beta program, here you can find the instructions on how to turn off beta: Kind regards Thomas & Team ADOM