ACE Pre-Fall Update v0.2 Notes

ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution

The world’s first MOSA (Multiplayer Online Sports Arena) is now available on Steam Early Access!

[h1]New server[/h1] [list] [*]Asia server is online [/list] [h1]Gameplay[/h1] [list] [*]Negociator: reduced Secondary range by 30% [*]Sentinel: Secondary cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 15 seconds [*]Sentinel: Ultimate duration reduced to 2 seconds [*]Captain Smoke: added delay before shoot to goal for Drones [*]Vex Wrecker: reduced Secondary cooldown from 20 seconds to 12 seconds [/list] [h1]Bugs fixed[/h1] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*]Phuel (Grab Energy) states should be color-coded [*]Sentinel not regonized as goalie, with bots. [*]Some players seem to be unable to rotate their runners. [*]Bots still play during match end sequence (and they dance while doing so) [*]Vex’s Ultimate snaps at 45-degree angles [*]Bots replacing players who left the game have dumb AI [*]Characters go down in Z axis when playing around the goal areas [*]Puck can go outside the field (happened during wind event) [/list] [b]UI/Menus[/b] [list] [*]Character skins are not carried correctly from lobby to game [*]Party Booster Win bonuses are not working properly [*]Lobby top row should show the bots (if there are any in the match) [*]Emblems are not carried into the lobby [*]Rewards for winners/losers incorrect [*]Customization menus do not hide when match starts [*]With 6 players in a lobby, players viewports shuffle around [*]Missing visuals for Chest unlocks (hats) [/list] [b]Matchmaking[/b] [list] [*]Party composition is disassembled after a match [/list] [b]Settings[/b] [list] [*]Default server should be EU for European players [/list] Please continue to post the issues you've encountered here: To track our work progress for the Fall Update (Nov. 26), please go here: