AC 10 Core Released

Microsoft Allegiance

Allegiance is a team-based multiplayer space combat sim that seamlessly combines first-person space combat with a top-down-view perspective, real time strategy, and real time tactics. Team commanders build bases, research technology, and coordinate players to execute a wide range of strategies.

Big thanks to Weed for a big pack of balance changes! ac_10 change log Intentions: Dial back Exp/Sup boosting everywhere. Give Tac a little boost in terms of accel/speed and fun factor via more Hunters. SFs will have to utilize cloak more to be in stealth mode. Addition: 1 art file for a helium rock with high resolution texture ER Nan 1/2/3 +20% more effective on heavy class hull, and +15% more effective on extra heavy class hull EXPANSION: all Reg Interceptors 650HP (from 700HP) all Hvy Interceptors 15 Fuel (from 18 Fuel) Purpose of fuel reduction is to curb the rushing ability of Ints/Figs two-sector-hopping at full burns. TACTICAL: All SFs, base signature = 1 (from 0.5 / various) Base signature will be higher +50%. Cloak 1 = 62.5% = Base 1.0 sf 37% signature Cloak 2 = 70% = Base 1.0 sf 30% signature Cloak 3 = 76% = Base 1.0 sf 24% signature For reference, cloaked with sig 3, a base sig 1.0 faction sf will have 24% signature, before ac_10 it would have been 12%. So yes signature is +50%. The weapons the sf uses have been modified to a lower signature use. Hunters half the sig they were before. Utl1/2/3 half the sig from before. To be effectively stealthy the sf will have to be cloaked enroute to targets. Ship speed 1 GA = 1.1 (from 1.05) Ship speed 2 GA = 1.1 (from 1.05) I'd like to see how this goes. 5% speed increase /upgrade is mostly negligible. Potential for +20% increase (in reality is +21% after 2 upgrades) is interesting and makes Tac viable. all Light SF/SF/Adv SF Mass 45 (from 60) exception TF mass does not change, and Belters mass 68 (from 90) Lt SF HP to 150 (from 100,140 TF-BIOS) NG SBs deleted (not used- SB buffs coming) SB mass halved, most were 120 base mass, now 60 mass (TF is lighter mass, Belters is heavier mass) SB energy increased to 3000 (was 2400- Hvy Cloak is more of an option) Sniper 1/2 signature 0.15 (from 0.5) energy use per shot = 4 (from 10) Utl 1/2/3 signature 0.5 (from 1) Hunter 1/2/3 signature = 0.5 (from 1) Hunter 1 Damage=40 Cargo payload=5 Acceleration 200 Lifespan 4 Mass1 Hunter 2 Damage=50 Cargo payload=5 Acceleration 200 Lifespan 5 Mass1 Hunter 3 Damage=60 Cargo payload=5 Acceleration 200 Lifespan 5 Mass1 SF will have 4 hunters, Adv SF will have 6, range 2000-2500m SUPREMACY: "Big change" Gat 3 projectile speed = 700mps (from 600mps) +15% faster projectile than Gat1/2, range remains 660m. TF PE Gat3 projectile speed for comparison = 1000mps. all Fighters 13 Fuel (from 15 Fuel) Fig/Enh Fig/ Adv Fig Fighters can gain a little more usage time by upgrading to Booster2/3 by increasing burn efficiency. Dis 1/2/3 + Galv = remove absolute speed from projectile Purpose: to better match gattling gun for mixed weapons converging projectiles. The weapon divergence problem is gone when thrusting in any direction. The weapons converge on the same path. SRM Quickfire 1/2/3 - Adjust fire rate to 1 missile every 1/3 second from 1 missile every 1/4 second Dis 3 damage per shot = 2.25 (-10%) from 2.5 SHIPYARD: Enhanced Carriers: Increased Turn Rate PE Longtom returns, 2000 speed X 1.1 lifespan = 2200m base range + faction modifier + PW/EW range modifier Slight modification: half area effect flak damage as original. Direct hits do same damage as in DN core = 100/shot. PW Skycap 1: Direct hit dmg/shot = 20 (from 13), Area hit dmg = 6.5 (from 13), Area damage radius = 10 (from 5), Lifespan =1 (from 0.75) PW Skycap 2: Direct hit dmg/shot = 28 (from 18.75), Area hit dmg = 9.5 (from 18.75), Area damage radius = 10 (from 5), Lifespan =1 (from 0.75) PW Skycap 3: Direct hit dmg/shot = 36 (from 23.43), Area hit dmg = 11.5 (from 23.43), Area damage radius = 10 (from 5), Lifespan =1 (from 0.75) Purpose: Direct hits will do more damage, area effect hits will do half the dmg they did for each tier 1/2/3. Area damage radius was increased. PE Skycap 1: Direct hit dmg/shot = 20 (from 13), Area hit dmg = 6.5 (from 13), Area damage radius = 10 (from 5), Lifespan =1 (from 0.75) PE Skycap 2: Direct hit dmg/shot = 28 (from 18.75), Area hit dmg = 9.5 (from 18.75), Area damage radius = 10 (from 5), Lifespan =1 (from 0.75) PE Skycap 3: Direct hit dmg/shot = 36 (from 23.43), Area hit dmg = 11.5 (from 23.43), Area damage radius = 10 (from 5), Lifespan =1 (from 0.75) Skycap is back to 2000m+ ranges. The area effect damage is less, and the direct hit damage is more. This is a try it and "see how it balances" change. The idea is that at max range the flak effect will not be so overpowering. XRM Torpedo 1: 2 Torpedos/shot. 2 shots/missile rack. Acceleration 50 (from 70), Turn radius 0.65 (from 0.61), Reload time 6 (from 3), Lifespan 13 (from 11), Launch velocity 10 (from 75) Range ~4355m XRM Torpedo 2: 2 Torpedos/shot. 2 shots/missile rack. Acceleration 50 (from 70), Turn radius 0.75 (from 0.61), Reload time 6 (from 3), Lifespan 14 (from 12), Launch velocity 10 (from 75) Range ~5040m Purpose: To make torpedos useful. These will track capital ships better. 2 Torpedos/shot is a fair amount of damage. The torpedos can likely be shot down by skycap gunners. The Torpedos are effective versus carriers, and even idle cons or miners. LRM Killer Swarm 1: Reload time 6 (from 3) LRM Killer Swarm 2: Reload time 6 (from 3) Purpose: To slightly delay salvo firing of Killer Swarm, which is devastating damage to capital ships. Corvettes deleted Light Class - Attack Carriers - improve speed to 80mps, Pilot Skycap gun, 1 Turret Skycap (from 2) Light Class - Destroyers - improve speed to 110 mps (from 100), Pilot Skycap gun. Med Class - Frigates - Pilot Skycap gun, improve speed to 90mps (from 75), 2 Turret gunners (from 3) Med Class - Assault Ship - no changes Heavy Class - Devastators - 3 Turret gunners (from 4) Heavy Class - Cruisers - 3 Turret gunners (from 4) To promote more capital ships or mixed small craft in tandem opposed to "everybody jump on a turret". Gigacorp: Requirement to buy a sy: Need a tech base. Does not have to be Adv Tech base. Hvy CM development requires a shipyard and development moved to Shipyard (not garrison). Heavy Class development will upgrade Shipyard to a Drydock. Can develop LongTom, Skycap3, Tac Nuke2, Cruise2, Large3, Hvy CM2, HK3, Killer Swarm2, etc after Heavy Class. Lt Carrier made into standard carrier. Std Carrier Development is deleted. Can buy enh carrier development with SY on. Lxy Int = classic model and classic guns Int / Hvy Int model = fig08 classic giga int and classic gun mounts Giga fig model = weed_gcfig (hitbox was excessively large looking at convexhull file) lower triangle fins are deleted Rixian: Advanced Stealth Fighter energy 3000 (from 2800) Stealth Fighter energy 2800 (from 2600) Stealth Fighter signature = 0.6 (from 0.7) Rix combat drone mass 1 (from 3) Rix combat drone 2 ammo = 25 (from 20) Rix combat drone 3 ammo = 25 (from 24) Combat drone 1/2/3 shoot ships only - no targeting necessary - closest proximity target Destroyer Ammo = 1800 (from 2400) This could be abused with no ammo nerf as this ship with Lancer is considered light class now. Station Drone 1 accuracy = 0.045 (from 0.05) Station Drone 2 accuracy = 0.04 (from 0.05) Draconium: Stealth Galv = 3.5 dmg /shot (from 1.75) Stealth Galv = 0.75 signature (from 0.4) This makes the weapon as effective versus bases as EW Galv for fighters. Omicron Hive: Ship Sensors = 1.05 (from 1.1) Missile Track = 1.05 (from 1) Ripcord = 1.05 (from 1) Must buy enhanced fighter/advanced fighter, interceptor/hvy interceptor, stealth fighter/advanced stealth fighter Cost = 0.8 (from 1.0) Tech con build time = 90 seconds (from 120 seconds) Starting Lt Int (-Fig) Supremacy yields Fighter Tactical yields Lt SF Renamed Ships Pw Hammer 1/2/3 projectile lifespan = 5 (from 4) Interceptor Ammo = 500 (from 450) Hvy Interceptor Ammo = 500 (from 450) Enhanced Fighter Ammo = 650 (from 600) Advanced Fighter Ammo = 950 (from 900) Valkyrie: Remove Med Shield from Constructors Remove Med Shield from Miners Makes utlility craft stealthy, however must escort. Teleport no longer can be docked on. Rescues pods. Was a powerful base in that every TP was a home rip, and could rescue pods, and could rearm and launch different combat ships. Since cannot be docked on, can no longer be captured by TT or HTT. This combined with the global attributes toned down to 1.0 is to balance the faction. Teleport launches craft in the vertical Z plane, which at first was unintended, but interesting enough to keep it this way. Bases have shields at 50% shield strength and +50% hull strength. (From 0 Shields and +100% Hull) Station Hull = 1.5 (from 2.1) Station Hull repair = 2 Ship Sensors = 1 (from 1.2) Ship Signature = 1(from 1.2) PW Range = 1 (from 1.1) EW Range = 1 (from 1.1) Missile Track = 1 (from 1) He3 Yield = 1.1 (from 1.2) Payday Modifier = 0.1 (from 0.25) Ship Hull = 1 (from 0.9) Ship Shield = 1 (from 0.9) Station Shield = 0.5 (from 0.1) Station Shield repair = 2 (from 1) SUP/EXP/TAC Tech base cost 10,000 (from 12,000) Garrison base cost 20,000 (from 24,000) Shipyard base cost 15,000 (from 18,000) Outpost cost 5000 (from 5500) Refinery cost 3000 (from 3500) Teleport cost 3000 (from 3500) As it is now 1 full miner will get you approximately 3900 credits before yield 1&2. Add PE Tau Cannon in Tac, a stealth fighter weapon optimized versus light/medium hull types using ammunition/energy, requires Research Station + Adv TAC + Sniper2 + Utl3 Remove 3rd pilot Skycap from Cruiser. Remove Missile Boat Remove Stealth Miner Remove Stealth HTT Use weed_hat model for Hvy Fighter Use weed_hunt model for LRM Hunter 3x2 missile Add Artwork icon for LRM Hunter3x2 noting it is a dual fire missile (x2) Hvy Fighter minepack = 2 MPs/slot (from 1) Refinery signature = 1.25 (from 2.5) Afterburner fuel burn rate = 0.001333 (from 0.0008888) +20% more burn rate than booster 1 burn rate. It was too good with no penalty. Phalanx Tower dispersion = 0 (range = 1000m) signature 0.4 Phoenix: Ship Shield 1.25 (from 1.35) Nova Bomb drone build time = 4 minutes (from 2 minutes) Nova Bomb mounts Med Shield or Med Assault Shield (from Large Shield) is a nannable utility craft Transceiver payday = 750 (from 300) This faction relies on additional tech to be successful. He Yield = 1 (from 1.1) Cons/Miners use Med Shield only TF: Fighter/Enh Fighter/Adv Fighter Scale = 18 (from 17) +6% GT: Pulse Laser no longer absolute speed projectile, will now take momentum into account. Pulse Laser energy per shot = 4.5 (from 6) -25% energy use Adv Fig with no energy upgrades can fire for 15 seconds, from 12 seconds For comparison most Adv Figs with gat3 can fire for 30 seconds before reload.