A Message From The Devs

Totally Accurate Battlegrounds

Grab your balloon crossbow and trusty inflatable hammer, because things are about to get wobbly! Be the last weirdo standing in the world-leading physics-based Battle Royale game.

[b]Hello everyone, if you have been active in our discord or in the steam forums the following will not come as a surprise to you, but we thought it was time to put out an official post about what is going on with the game. [/b] As you know, the player numbers haven’t been great since this summer. The relaunch did not go as we would have liked it to. This is due to a lot of different factors, which we take full responsibility for. Initially, we had another studio on board to focus on the F2P aspects of the game like the in-game store so that we could spend our time creating new and exciting content. This didn’t work out and we had to remake the store ourselves causing us to not be able to add new content until a few months after the relaunch. If we would have been able to add more content and fixes early on, it’s likely that player retention would have been better. This combined with the anti-cheat issues, performance issues, and the AMD bug also affected the player count negatively. To counter the lack of players, we explored options to add bots and other features to the game to make the experience better and to retain players, but in the end, the development-sins we made in 2018 made such features very hard to implement. Essentially for the past couple of months, the game hasn’t been able to pay for its own development which in turn has led us to start working on new projects. We are unlikely to do any more content updates for TABG, however, we have [b]no [/b]intentions of shutting down the servers any time soon. The game will still be up and running and we’ll still do the occasional upkeep for the servers and maintain the anti-cheat with updates from the anti-cheat devs. We understand that this is disappointing, it is to us as well. TABG has always been the game that was never supposed to be. It started out as an April Fools joke that we didn’t plan to update and ended up being a fiercely loved passion project for us. [b]Thank you to the community that has stood by and advocated for this game, tested, suggested, beatboxed and crashed streams dressed as the French. More than anything you have helped us make the game into something bigger than what was meant to be. We are eternally grateful for you joining us on this wobbly journey![/b]