9.5.2 Misc
New Features:
Added 7 new late game enemies.
Increased database limits for enemies, troops, states,
common events, and animations from 999 to 3000.
Ogre Virus is now Silicon Ogre.
Balance is now Expressive Dancer.
Additional enemies now cast acid and arcane spells.
Some enemies now cast entropy and expression spells.
Buffed health to both librarian bosses by almost 50%.
Fixed various state issues involving silicon, acid, and arcane.
(these issues were caused by a long ago deleted system that
was still providing immunity to those states) (all future states
will placed after 999)
Edit: Reverted back to 9.5.1. The database increase to states caused a commonly occuring crashing bug. 9.5.3 hotfix will be later today.