8-Bit Hordes Update #29 - 03/21/2018

Hey gamers! We’ve been storing up a bunch of minor fixes and performance improvements to the 8-Bit Series of games over the last few months based on your feedback and some things we've found ourselves. In general, the game should be more stable, run even faster, use a little less ram, and make multiplayer gaming a little more solid. We hope you enjoy the new update and please let us know if you run into anything we should know about. As always, we appreciate your support. ːsteamhappyː -8Bit [h1]GENERAL BUG FIXES:[/h1] [list] [*]Fix for jump jet infantry being order-locked when a save then load is performed while they are mid-flight. [*]Added a map validation check that looks for too many stacked structures and warns the user of such on save. [*]Fix for crashing when pressing shift while the instance tab is active (in the terrain editor). [*]Adding a warning message on save that displays if resource nodes are found near any start markers (can potentially break the AI by placing resource nodes around the starting points). [*]Limiting playable bounds setting to 11 and above when creating a new map with the public terrain editor. [*]Fixed a case of the camera constraint function oscillating between two values when the playable bounds is small in the map editor. [*]Fix for replanning failing when the target area is covered by too much stuff (movement failed to reach clicked destination despite there being a path to get there). [*]Optimization attempt #2 at reducing CPU load when pruning producing objects (server could run slow when a lot of units are queued up and buildings are being destroyed). [*]General Save/Load fixes to handle rare cases where continuing a battle would not work properly. [*]Timeout a lobby join after 10 seconds so that players don’t hang forever waiting to join. [*]General bug fixes to AI to optimize performance and handle a few strategic situations better. [*]Correction to allow for correct country code to be set when quickmatching. [*]Various back-end improvements for performance and frame-rate. [*]Improved data transmission between server and client [*]Fix for soft-lock when someone disconnects before joining a multiplayer game. [*]Fix for showing weapon FX under unexplored fog of war which would reveal other player’s weaponry and location of battle. [*]Player names in lobby should update a little more frequently. [*]Steam “Played with Users” should be updated now. [*]Handled an issue where some custom maps could fail to launch in Multiplayer. [*]Fix for getting disconnected when connecting to an instance if the instance takes a long time to load. For example, when downloading a custom map for the first time. [*]Fix for not being able to launch a multiplayer game with everyone is assigned to a random team. [*]Prevent players having blank multiplayer game names. [*]Fixed three separate issues which would have manifested itself to players as a “random crash”. [*]Battlecam tweaks to improve angles and identify the highest priority events. [*]Fix for flickering load screen on some systems. [*]Re-enabled Anti-Aliasing on ATI cards. Also, removed AA slider if AA isn’t available. [*]Improved memory usage. Game optimized to use less. [/list]