8-Bit Hordes Game Update #25 - 07/25/17 - 13:30 PST

Hi everyone! We continue to monitor our multiplayer statics and read through the forums to determine if there are any corrections that need to be made to balance or the game in general. Thanks to you, we've identified a number of small tweaks that needed to be made - especially to Regent mode in multiplayer. Have fun! -8Bit [h1]PATCH NOTES:[/h1] GENERAL: [list] [*]Added new armor type "Neutral" to game. This will not show up in the GUI listing since it is only used for the Regents in Assassination mode. Neutral armor removes all damage modifiers from weapons - the target will take the weapon's base damage from attacks. [*]The Regent unit for all factions (used in Assassination Mode) have been updated to use Neutral Armor. [*]Shortened a variety of non-english texts to fit properly within the UI [/list] UNIT/STRUCTURE BALANCE: [list] [*]Cannon Turret (Guardians): Damage type changed to Neutral, Base damage increased to 20 (was 15), Shot speed slowed to 1.5 (was 1.0), Can now target aircraft [*]Wraith (Deathsworn): The heal effect was not stacking to 3 as intended (like all other healers) - this has been fixed, Heal aura increased to 300 radius (was 250) to match skeleton conversion effect radius, Build cost reduced to 140 (was 160). [*]Ballista (Lightbringers): Line of attack widened slightly; damage remains the same, but it should be easier to hit with it. [*]Phoenix (Lightbringers): Base damage reduced to 14 (was 16), AoE radius of shots reduced to 30 (was 50). [/list]