8-Bit Hordes Update #26 - 09/22/17

Hey everyone! Happy Fall Update! With the seasonal change today we though it was a good time to do a balance patch, which we have been experimenting with for some time now. In addition, we also fixed (hopefully) a rare crash on startup that a few users were having. Have fun! BALANCE CHANGES: [list] [*]SUPERWEAPON STRUCTURES (ALL FACTIONS): Build cost reduced to 1500 (was 2000) [*]DRAGON: Health reduced to 180 (was 200), The damage over time effect on the anti-air shot has been removed; base damage remains the same. [*]FLOATING BRAIN: Attack range increased to 600 (was 500) [*]BLAST BUG: Base damage reduced to 16 (was 18) [*]OGRE: Movement speed increased to 190 (was 180) [*]GREMLIN: Build cost reduced to 120 (was 160), Build time reduced to 10 (was 15) [*]RESOURCE ENHANCER (MARINES): Power drain reduced to 80 (was 100) [*]TECH LAB (MARINES): Power drain reduced to 130 (was 150) [*]CLOAKING GENERATOR (MARINES): Power drain reduced to 130 (was 150) [*]POWER PLANT (MARINES): Build cost reduced to 300 (was 350), Build time reduced to 15 (was 20) [*]HEAVY DRONE: Build time increased to 20 seconds (was 18) [/list]