7.00 Public Beta 8 now available

X4: Foundations

X4: FOUNDATIONS brings our most sophisticated universe SIMULATION ever. Fly every ship, EXPLORE space or manage an empire; TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD and THINK carefully, while you embark on an epic journey. Experience tons of improvements with the massive 7.00 Update!

X4 7.00 Public Beta 8 is now available to download. As you probably already know, we are rapidly approaching a significant milestone date. We recently announced that our next expansion, X4: Timelines, will be released on June 20, 2024, alongside the huge, free update 7.00. [previewyoutube=hFNrlEtpmiA;full][/previewyoutube] You can also put a note in your calendar for June 14, 2024, at 4:00 PM CEST, when Egosoft founder and CEO Bernd Lehahn will join [url=https://www.twitch.tv/captaincollins]Captain Collins[/url] in a livestream to talk more about X4 7.00 and X4: Timelines. In addition, we are in the planning stages for a small Reddit AMA with Bernd - we will let you know the exact date as soon as we have it. Thank you for your support on our journey to 7.00! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2700340/X4_Timelines/ [quote][b]How Do I Take Part in the Public Beta?[/b] Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 7.00 Public Beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the [url=https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=405396]risks and rules involved[/url], we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. [url=https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=405397]Follow this link to our forum[/url] - no registration required - to find the relevant information.[/quote] Please share your feedback / bug report in our [url=https://forum.egosoft.com/viewforum.php?f=192]Public Beta Feedback forum[/url]. Before doing so, please make sure you [b]read the Public Beta Rules and Information[/b], which you can find in a sticky thread at the top of that forum. [h2]7.00 Public Beta 8 Changelog[/h2] ([url=https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=405397]visit our forum[/url] for the full 7.00 changelog overview) [list][*][Beta 8] Added more skilled marines to newly created Terran Asgard ships. [*][Beta 8] Added research to re-trigger crisis long after finishing it (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Added loading of most recent save to end of tutorial when tutorial was started via prompt in Open Universe (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Added unlock status of Data Vaults to target monitor (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Improved strength of Xenon fleet in Mutually Assured Destruction mission. [*][Beta 8] Improved ships unnecessarily dropping out of travel drive when flying in formation. [*][Beta 8] Improved boosting without flight assist to no longer set throttle to zero. [*][Beta 8] Improved capital ship combat movement (further improvement to 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Improved effect of single poor marine during infiltration phase of boarding (improvement for fix in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Improved balancing of boarding difficulty for Xenon H (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Improved balancing of Xenon PE (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Improved hull and shield bar damage animation (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Improved boosting without flight assist to no longer set throttle to zero. [*][Beta 8] Improved capital ship combat movement (further improvement to 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed potential freeze during Blazing the Trail mission. [*][Beta 8] Fixed stuck data heist mission of Covert Operations story. [*][Beta 8] Fixed items spawned from container in Find Object mission disappearing when player flies away. [*][Beta 8] Fixed Trade Subscription mission characters sometimes appearing behind counter in trade corner. [*][Beta 8] Fixed case of crisis mission objective remaining Talk to Boso (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed Xenon and Kha'ak small fighters being killed by player not counting as success during crisis (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed crisis sector invasions sometimes not including Kha'ak (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed ships unrealistically being pushed around by bullet impacts (fix for improvement in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed repair of multiple ships not working under certain circumstances. [*][Beta 8] Fixed inactive mission line not being shown under certain circumstances. [*][Beta 8] Fixed faction name in target monitor not updating after uncovering covered ship. [*][Beta 8] Fixed incoming supply trades being listed for production resources. [*][Beta 8] Fixed ship attacked notification showing pilot upside-down if ship was destroyed. [*][Beta 8] Fixed search in ticker logbook (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed Launch button being available for subordinate groups where setting has no effect. [*][Beta 8] Fixed target monitor unintentionally overlapping menus under certain circumstances (problem introduced in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed missing gamestart info under certain circumstances (problem introduced in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed SETA HUD indicator getting stuck under certain circumstances (problem introduced in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed sector parameter selection for orders not working correctly (problem introduced in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed submenu bar on left side of Player Info menu not showing up under certain circumstances. [*][Beta 8] Fixed incorrect y-axis labels on some graphs. [*][Beta 8] Fixed target bracket size with non-default FOV. [*][Beta 8] Fixed blurred weapon aim-indicators with TAA enabled (new feature in 7.00). [*][Beta 8] Fixed several causes of crashes.[/list]