5/3/24 - BIG Chaos Chain Tuning Update 1.45.0

Chaos Chain

A dark cyberpunk RPG in a bleak dystopian future. Become a "freelancer" in the heart of Slade City, a sprawling urban nightmare of grimy asphalt and broken dreams where crime and disorder run rampant. - Stay Alert. Stay Armed. Stay Alive. Don't lose your humanity.

[h1]Chaos Chain[/h1] [i]Attention, freelancers![/i] So, I have another big update for the game. I've been reading over a lot of feedback, talking with players, messing with some different things, etc. Many of the changes you'll see in this list are based on community input. I was planning to have a new district available for this update, but I decided to push this out now and continue working on the new district aside from all this (ready to go) stuff. A few notable things: -Equipment choices (Weapon) for police and military backgrounds -Inventory weights for items have been drastically lowered and make a lot more sense now (For example: a can of soda no longer weighs the same as a rag) -New Psion Ability - Mind Siphon -Dialogue options that you don't have the requirements for no longer show in red, they are removed from the list -The reputation HUD is no longer always on so it isn't taking up screen space (It really wasn't necessary anyways to always be visible) -Lots of flavor adjustments in language and terminology used to amplify the cyberpunk vibe -Adjustments to how easy it was to get sick (It should be much less frequent now) -Giving the main character some dialogue lines when walking around (Comments on the weather from time to time currently) -Bug fixes of course -Optimization improvements Beyond that, take a look at the changelog below! *Please note that these changes are not in any particular order.* [h2]BETA Update 1.45.0 Changelog:[/h2] [code] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Removed a leftover testing event [*]FIXED some typos [*]FIXED an issue in the first meeting with Mick where one conversation option would have to pay more than the other to keep keys [*]FIXED Mind Spike psion ability having the same animation as Mind Vice [*]FIXED a bug with a quest item weighing literally 10 times what it was meant to in "The Edge" [*]FIXED a bug in the "Up in Arms" side quest which prevented the objectives from triggering properly [*]FIXED a bug which caused the processor for alignment and experience shifts to remain on after finishing adjusting values, which meant it would run over and over again in the background [/list] [b]Changes & Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Dialogue choices and roleplay options will now be hidden by default if you do not meet the requirements (Example: If playing as a civilian background and a conversation checks to see if you have the medical background, it will no longer display in red --- It will not show at all for you until the condition is met. If it is something that you can change, then it will appear when you have the requirement --- I wanted to make this change so that the exploit of saving skill points until needed and then dumping them in the needed skills to pass certain checks would be less obvious and less likely) [*]Updated item weights for a lot of items to be more reasonable (Example: Why did a ring weigh as much as a roll of duct tape? Well, it doesn't anymore! --- MOST items had their weights DRASTICALLY reduced) [*]There's now a small (~20%) chance for your character to make mention of the weather when it changes [*]All randomized dialogue values are now reset to 0 after they've triggered (Should help with keeping memory use lower and everything running smooth by clearing out those numbers) [*]Drop Pouch has been renamed to Leg Bag and it is now 8 inventory spaces and 3 bonus initiative instead of 6 inventory spaces and 2 bonus initiative (I liked the idea of the item more than the utility was actually useful, so it's been redesigned) [*]Added Greasy Pizza consumable (It's like the grubby burger but very slight stat differences - just for flavor --- pun not intended) [*]Rags now only have a 95% chance to cure bleeding and have a 5% chance to cause sickness, -7 init on use [*]Added Sterilized Rag item (Cure Bleeding, +1 Health, -6 Init On Use --- can be crafted) [*]Added Sterilized Rag crafting recipe (1x rag, 1x soap) [*]Added Pipe Bomb crafting schematic (1x rag, 3x scrap, 1x circuitry, 1x duct tape, 1x fuel) [*]Updated bandage recipe from 2x rags to 2x sterilized rags [*]Added Sleeping Pill consumable (Restores 1 Rest Use, Removes Rested State, Adds Burnout, -100 Stamina --- Use these to sleep again in a game day) [*]Cigarettes can now be found more commonly in random containers (Their loot drop rate has increased roughly 40%) [*]Sick chance roll threshold upon weather shift reduced by 2% [*]Being fully healed for the sick roll chance in weather shifts now gives 6% resistance instead of 5% [*]Negative factors that influence the sick roll chance in weather shifts now only give 3% each instead of 5% (They only affect the roll 3% each instead of 5% each) [*]Added new psion ability "Mind Siphon" (Siphon energy from an enemy --- 12-18 Mettle Siphon, +45% Shock, +15% Stunned, 20% Failure) [*]Added Mind Siphon animation [*]Balanced some enemy stats [*]Updated learnable skill lists [*]Updated several tileset pathing parameters [*]Removed a lot of old code associated with the weather system and cleaned up the weather shift function to remove a lot of unused code that was still being processed [*]Cleaned up and removed some old/leftover code from old methods and functions [*]Added 3 new incoming thunder sounds to the random sound lists [*]Reputation HUD is no longer always visible - It is only visible in travel events or for a short time when a value changes (You can still see your reputation scores anytime using the PDA overview page) [*]Added one new tutorial slide to mention how to use the PDA to view reputation [*]Added Hackpad bag (Very cheap and small bag with only 15 inventory slots but only has a -1 initiative) [*]Cassia now begins with a hackpad bag instead of a sling bag [*]Removed the flashlight from the starting area (You get a glow stick already and with the recent balance changes to make the early game easier already, a flashlight should be an investment or something you find along your way) [*]Updated starting loadouts for the different histories a bit (Mainly civic as it starts with the most items and was a bit OP since it started with one of the better weapons) [*]Military and Police backgrounds now have a choice on the firearm they start with (More customization from the start! --- Military can choose an assault rifle, smg, shotgun, or battle rifle and the police can start with a light auto pistol, heavy auto pistol, heavy revolver, or a shotgun) [*]Added hackpads to a few more vendors [*]Updated and redistributed several shop lists [*]Balanced some misc item prices [*]Added soap misc item [*]Updated loot tables [*]Slightly reduced fog opacity for the foggy weather variant (It was a bit obtrusive) [*]Added new item icon art [*]Added some more NPCs to some areas [*]Renamed residents to tenants (Sounds a little more "confined" and fitting) [*]Renamed urbanites to sprawlers (Fits better) [*]Added new color coded names to the list of NPC types [*]Various other small tweaks and adjustments [/list] [/code] Please let me know of any bugs or issues you may encounter so I can fix them. [u]This update will be available for download shortly.[/u] A friendly reminder: if you're enjoying the game so far or have critiques you'd like to share, please consider leaving a review for me. This not only helps with much needed visibility, but also gives me important feedback for the game to help it become a better final product. Also, if you have questions, concerns, or requests, please visit the official [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1536730/discussions/]Chaos Chain Steam Forums[/url] or join the official [url=https://discord.com/invite/qtRfbUMahK]Discord Channel[/url]! I've also gone ahead and started an official [url=https://www.patreon.com/CorrosionSting]Patreon Page[/url] to help bring in financial support for the game going forward. For more info on the game, visit the store page below! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1536730/Chaos_Chain/ There's even a demo to try the game out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2324430/ [i]Stay Alert. Stay Armed. Stay Alive. Don't lose your humanity.[/i] That's all for now, enjoy! -[b][i]Cryptic[/i][/b] ːCStudiosː