9/2/24 - Chaos Chain Update 1.5.3

Chaos Chain

A dark cyberpunk RPG in a bleak dystopian future. Become a "freelancer" in the heart of Slade City, a sprawling urban nightmare of grimy asphalt and broken dreams where crime and disorder run rampant. - Stay Alert. Stay Armed. Stay Alive. Don't lose your humanity.

[h1]Chaos Chain[/h1] [i]Attention, freelancers![/i] This is a quick tidying up patch and QOL update for the game. Check out the full change log below! *Please note that these changes are not in any particular order.* [h2]BETA Update 1.53.0 Changelog:[/h2] [code] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]FIXED a few typos [*]FIXED a choice option in "Something in the Basement" not appearing in green text when the conditions are met [*]FIXED a case where the PDA screen could get stuck open [*]FIXED an instance where the "Selected Hacker" state icon could get stuck when backing out of a hack [*]FIXED an instance where using a campfire could cause text to always appear instantly instead of "typing out" [*]FIXED a rare case in combat where (enemy) drones could become drained even though they are immune and thus, would force you to have to kill them even when they couldn't do anything, dragging the combat out [/list] [b]Changes & Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Hint in The Eclipse about the Comms Chip (for Prophet) will only appear if you haven't already grabbed the comms chip or used it [*]Removed a few inconsistencies with dialogue messages [*]You now get 10 exp for passing the check to take Steel in The Views like all other stat/condition checks do [*]Game now autosaves after meeting Danzer in The Views [*]Game now autosaves after the hint during the main storyline about the comms chip linked to "Prophet" [*]Added several new sprawler female sprites (Thanks to Ace Hangman!) [*]Improved some transitional effects in scenes where characters leave the area, screen fades, etc [*]Added a new soundtrack for use in the main menu and in combat [*]A few quick adjustments and tweaks [/list] [/code] Please let me know of any bugs or issues you may encounter so I can fix them. [u]This update will be available for download shortly.[/u] A friendly reminder: if you're enjoying the game so far or have ideas you'd like to share, please consider leaving a review for the game. This not only helps with much needed visibility, but also gives me important feedback for the game to help it become a better final product. Also, if you have questions, concerns, or requests, please visit the official [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1536730/discussions/]Chaos Chain Steam Forums[/url] or join the official [url=https://discord.com/invite/qtRfbUMahK]Discord Channel[/url]! I've also gone ahead and started an official [url=https://www.patreon.com/CorrosionSting]Patreon Page[/url] to help bring in financial support for the game going forward. You can also make a single donation through [url=https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AZ2MYK2MC4VQW]Paypal[/url] if you prefer! For more info on the game, visit the store page below! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1536730/Chaos_Chain/ There's even a demo to try the game out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2324430/ Official Links: [list] [*][url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6836576/]Corrosive Studios Store Page[/url] [*][url=https://discord.gg/qtRfbUMahK]Corrosive Studios Discord[/url] [*][url=https://www.patreon.com/CorrosionSting]Official Patreon[/url] [/list] [i]Stay Alert. Stay Armed. Stay Alive. Don't lose your humanity.[/i] That's all for now, enjoy! -[b][i]Cryptic[/i][/b] ːCStudiosː