2vs2 feature & Balancing

Crystal Clash

Crystal Clash is a mix of Lane Battles and Deckbuilding - with action-packed tug-of-war strategy, just like your favorite RTS mods from back in the day! :) Play 2v2 or co-op with a friend, or pair up with new allies and enemies! Collect cards, build your decks and have fun crushing your enemies!

Hello everbody! We finally fixed the 2vs2 feature and it is now working fully in custom games. Playing 1vs2 and 1vs1 with two decks for the single players is now possible. We also fixed a bug that allowed players to go into silver queue with gold cards (thx to @quema)! See also the newest balance changes: https://crystal-clash.com/patch-notes Most noteworthy is the addition of a summoning sickness after a legend/unit has been relocated. This way the abuse of relocating to stomp especially towers will be reduced but also the spell is further nerfed in general. We also increased damage of Hail of Arrows, cut its initial waves down and increased mana cost. It will therefore have a stronger effect vs bigger units and be more useful in later stages, while it cannot be spammed and is less usable when played without archers. Have fun! 🙂 [h2]Want more fun games by Crunchy Leaf?[/h2] Feel free to check out our newest game in development, Galactic Glitch, an Action-Roguelike that we want to make just as fun and enjoyable as Crystal Clash. Just like with CC, we would love to hear your feedback on the game, so we can keep making it better! 🎮 The demo is available right now, for free! You can check it out and Wishlist here on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/640160/Galactic_Glitch/