2022.1 UPDATE

Tokyo Warfare Turbo

Fast paced arcade tank battles in Japan locations

Hello, I'ts been a while!. I've been working on porting the game to Play Station. It's been a hard work but at least its done. The bad news are that unlike on Xbox, the release has been a flop, hence future updates are compromised. YET, this update comes with new stuff!! [b]NEW URBAN MAP [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34347451/5c5476fa37550f28574faeba57aeed5ed676d9cc.png[/img] Due to low sales I could not keep on with the Akihabara HD model. Yet I felt like the game needed another urban map, and here it is! [b]GARAJE MODE[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34347451/219779edb23eaebd52e044c27dca27f09dbfa1f3.png[/img] You can enjoy the nice work of modelers in a cool Shibuya crossing environment, regardless of your current rank or DLC ownership you can check all tanks. Some basic stats like unlock rank, armor, gun power ar displayed. [b]MISC[/b] There are a lot of small tweaks all over. Hope you enjoy this update, likely is the last one. I was only able to continue due to moderate success in Xbox platform, Xbox ID program has some basic promotion which I believe really helped. In the other platforms I really felt like a disposable one time use item. Have fun. Pablo.