12/22 Update (Wandering Zundamon , Overall Difficulty Eased)

Voxel Shogun KIritan Castle

A very cute RTS! Modify the voxel ground and defend your castle with Zundamons! A game set in Japan's medieval period, created by Japanese developers.

[h2]New Features[/h2] [olist] [*] Added a feature where the idle Zundamon wanders around. [*] Adjusted in-game time of day slightly longer to reduce the number of working Zundamons needed, considering the game's load. [*] Increased the maximum HP of melee units. [*] Added a mechanic where damage taken while swimming is increased by 200% when attacked. [/olist] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [olist] [*] Fixed translation omissions pointed out on the Steam forums. [*] Fixed a bug where the automatic interception range would reset upon loading the game. [*] Fixed a bug where the growth level of agricultural facilities would reset upon loading the game. [*] Fixed a bug where the ground bonus wouldn't be applied when relocating. [*] Fixed a bug where the images for Elite Rifleman Barracks and Elite Cannon Barracks were not applied. [*] Fixed a bug where the game would freeze when closing the loading screen with the × button on the title screen. [/olist]