12/11 9:00PM Update! (Troop flags)

Voxel Shogun KIritan Castle

A very cute RTS! Modify the voxel ground and defend your castle with Zundamons! A game set in Japan's medieval period, created by Japanese developers.

This is the update for Kiritan Castle. In the version released on 2024/12/11 at 9:00 PM, the flag colors of the troops have been changed. The flag images can be found in the following location: [i]C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\VoxelShogunKiritanCastle\KiritanCastle\KiritanCastle_Data\StreamingAssets\Image[/i] By replacing the flag images in this folder with the same name, you can assign any flag patterns. However, please note that the files may be overwritten during a version update, so make sure to back them up after replacing them. [h2]New Features[/h2] [list] [*] Added the ability to change the flag color for each unit. [*] Improved the script for issuing works to reduce processing load. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the bug where excavation could not be performed on the spring ground (this issue was caused by the addition of original buildings in the MOD). [*] Corrected the description of attack-increasing technologies to "Damage dealt increase." [*] Fixed the issue where the type of worker for horse-drawn labor was not displayed. [/list]